Last Updated February 2022

Why Early Access?

Ranch Simulator is a new title where we would like to give our players the chance to help shape our vision of the game. We wish to build our community to ensure that the features we will be implementing are what our players want.

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

We estimate that Ranch Simulator will be in Early Access between 6-12 months depending on feedback and suggestions from our community.

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

The full version will have more animals to tend to, further expansions to your ranch and a bigger range of vehicles available. During Early Access the map, optimization and level of polish will evolve.

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

The game currently features the core mechanics and gameplay of ranching. You can buy animals, feed, protect and breed them, gather their produce and sell to expand your ranch and boost your profits. You can also buy and train horses. You can work cooperatively on the same Ranch in up to 4-player multiplayer.

There are likely to be bugs present, and with the larger updates there is also a possibility of save games becoming incompatible and possibly wiped.

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

The price will increase as we add more features, and get closer to the final version of the game.

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

We encourage our players to suggest features and give us feedback on our Discord server, social media etc. Our ears are open and we hope that everyone can share their thoughts to help us shape this into a wonderful game. Especially with the development of multiplayer, let us know what you want to do with your friends on your Ranch!