What is the Playground gamemode?

The Playground gamemode is a gamemode where you can freely play around with your abilities, and test their limits. You can train hard and become the best Wizard among your friends.

What is Senile Wizards?

Senile Wizards is a Rogue like Shooter. This Project has been founded by a group of university students, as a part of their exams.

Is the Game Free to Play?

Yes! As of now and for the foreseeable future the game is going to be Free To Play

Do I need to create an Epic Account to play the Game?

Yes, in order to Download the game and use the Multiplayer function you will need an Epic Account.

Will the Game be available on other Platforms such as Steam?

Not for the time being. We focus on giving you the best player experience possible. Features are currently prioritized higher than branching into other Platforms

Will the game receive regular updates?

We will add new content gradually, but we will take longer for big features.

Are you going to release similar titles to Senile Wizards?

We will keep releasing games, however they will most likely be in a different constellation and different genre.