Soul Cliff Demo

This demo allows players to explore the first cave and to fight the Judge boss.

This is an Early Access Game

Early Access games are still under development and may change significantly over time. As a result, you may experience unforeseen issues or completely new gameplay elements while playing this game.You can play now to experience the game while it's being built or wait until it offers a more complete experience.

Soul Cliff Demo

General Information

Soul Cliff is a souls-like game about an individual who is attempting to save another trapped beneath a collapsed sink-hole. The gameplay is very close to a souls-like experience with the added element of an ultimate ranged ability but without a riposte mechanic. The story is a short-story with a potentially confusing moment.


The gameplay involves rolling, parrying, shielding, heavy/light attacking, activating your ultimate, and drinking potions to beat your opponents. There are currently four main boss fights. Due to the Early Access state, the final boss needs more design work. The other bosses are essentially complete.

Soul Cliff System Requirements



OS version

Windows 8

OS version

Windows 10


11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700KF


11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700KF


6 GB


8 GB


NVidia RTX 3060 >=10GB


NVidia RTX 3080 10GB


12 GB


15 GB

Languages Supported

  • Audio: English

  • Text: English

This game was built by Garett A C Hunter in Edmonton, AB, and is made and owned by Garett A C Hunter.