Steal, Then Just Escape: The Real Thrill
Dear Real Thrillers,
Steal, Then Just Escape: The Real Thrill has ReTurn to Coming Soon! After postponing the ReLaunch in February. I would like you to know that the game will be back on Coming Soon! Stage. Opening the game, you would just see a UI saying, Coming Soon! And a suggestion box and please share your game ideas. Now, this is Real Thrill, escaping for a few months. But I shall ReLaunch.
I sincerely apologize for postponing the relaunching of Steal, Then Just Escape: The Real Thrill. Like every person in the world, I make mistakes and fail, then learn from them. Failure is a requirement for growth. The ReLaunch in February is postponed due to:
Lack of time; I’m only 15 years old, and I still go to school. Not every day I can develop the game. I am an indie game developer using a complicated engine. It would take me time to create this masterpiece. You might not know, but I’m also creating a film.
Another is lack of experience. I’m still learning to develop a game, the engine, artworks, and marketing. Like this failure, I didn’t decide enough, and I got carried away by my emotions that I could do this by February, but no.
Lastly, there is a lack of budget. I can’t buy such detailed assets. That is why it would take me time to create each asset. Help me to develop. You can purchase the game, so I could invest more in assets to make the game better, and sharing your ideas for a thrilling game would help the most.
Expect none but Real Thrill. With enough time, experience, and budget, I’ll let you Experience the Real Thrill of Steal, Then Just Escape.
Thank you for your understanding. I will not delete the previous trailers for it would ReMind me of my mistakes and I’ll keep learning from them. Keep updated for the Real Thrill Official Trailer.
Yours !RTS CEO,
Rav Martin Maniti
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Steal, Then Just Escape: The Real Thrill System Requirements
OS version
Windows 7 / 8 / 10
OS version
Windows 10
AMD Athlon 240GE
AMD Ryzen 3000G
GeForce 250 GTS
GeForce GTX 750
DirectX 10
DirectX 11
Additional input device
Login Accounts Required
Epic ID
Languages Supported
Audio: English
Text: English
Copyright©2024 by Rav Martin Maniti. All rights reserved. I am the one who, with God, made this all possible.