Terror of Hemasaurus

A retro city smash 'em up with satisfying destruction physics. Play as a Giant Monster unleashing terror upon mankind in this modern arcade experience with the action turned up to eleven.



About this game

Play as a giant monster and wreak havoc on humanity in this retro city smash ‘em up! Punch buildings, slap helicopters, eat humans, kick cars – enjoy multiple ways to cause carnage! Satisfying arcade action and mindless destruction for up to 4-players!

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Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe! The Church of the Holy Lizard hatches a dubious plan to save humanity from its own reckless disregard of the planet – unleash a monster to kill, destroy, and inflict terror!

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Embark on a rampaging trail of total devastation across multiple stages as one of four recently defrosted monsters. Roar with delight as you stomp terrified citizens and pulverise buildings in an apocalyptic, retro arcade blast of awesome monsters, satisfying destruction, and farcical fatalities!

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Terror of Hemasurus is the latest game from Super Blood Hockey creator, Loren Lemcke.

Hemasaurus! Clocksloth! Salamandrah! Autonomous Hemasaurus! Four terrifying (but also kind of adorable) beasts, each with their own killer moves!

Explosive pixel devastation and mayhem on a monstrous scale! Reduce buildings to dust. Topple skyscrapers. Destroy everything!

Hurl humans into helicopter blades! Butt slam into crowds of terrified citizens! Eat people for nourishment! Smoosh them all to save the planet!

Do what the game tells you across a variety of levels! Kick cars into buildings! Rescue the cats and dogs! Total a tower in record time!

Got buddies? Good for you! Put them to use by getting them to join you for some local co-op carnage! Up to four friends can cause terror together!

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Available Achievements

Terror Rising
10 XP
Crushing All Cars
10 XP
Brain Chopper
10 XP
Demolition Exhibition
75 XP
Rocket Science
50 XP

Terror of Hemasaurus Ratings & Reviews

Metro GameCentral

by GameCentral

7 / 10

The best Rampage sequel that never was features entertaining amounts of 8-bit style violence and, while unashamedly shallow, proves there's life in the old coin-op yet.

PC Invasion

by Andrew Farrell

8 / 10

Between the charming pixel artwork, hilarious satirical story, and insane destruction, Terror of Hemasaurus is a winner.

Worth Playing

by Cody Medellin

8 / 10

At its core, Terror of Hemasaurus is a fun title. The scattershot nature of the story might not hit the funny bone for some people, and the lack of online play is a shame. The addition of physics to the core gameplay loop along with varied objectives ensures that the game isn't monotonous during its short playtime. If you still have a soft spot for wanton destruction by abnormally large animals, Terror of Hemasaurus is well worth seeking out, especially with friends in tow.

Reviews provided by OpenCritic

Terror of Hemasaurus System Requirements



OS version

Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

OS version

Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11


2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor


2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor






GeForce 8800 or equivalent.


GeForce 8800 or equivalent.


DirectX 9

Languages Supported

  • Audio: English

  • Text: English

Terror of Hemasaurus (c) 2021 Loren Lemcke/Games By Loren. Licensed to and published by Digerati Distribution & Marketing LLC. "Terror of Hemasaurus" and "Digerati" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digerati Distribution & Marketing LLC or Loren Lemcke/Games By Loren, as applicable. All rights reserved.

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