World War Z - Pre-Apocalypse Character Skins Pack

Gear up with premium outfits from the time before the zombie apocalypse turned the world upside down. The premium outfits in this pack include outfits for Daniela Martín, Bunko Tatsumi, Sergei Popov and Ethan Wolfe.

World War Z - Pre-Apocalypse Character Skins Pack

Gear up with premium outfits from the time before the zombie apocalypse turned the world upside down. The premium outfits in this pack include outfits for Daniela Martín, Bunko Tatsumi, Sergei Popov and Ethan Wolfe.

World War Z Ratings & Reviews


by Kevin McClusky

7.5 / 10

Is World War Z as good as Left 4 Dead? No. Is it fun despite that? Yes. There's few pleasures in gaming that can compare to swinging a thrumming chainsaw blade through a horde of ravenous undead, and World War Z delivers. And really, it's not like Valve makes games anymore.


by Michael Koczwara

7.4 / 10

World War Z's lack of variety and ambition can't stop a satisfying zombie slashing with a good group of friends.


by Alessandro Barbosa

6 / 10

World War Z is unrefined and rough around the edges, but it makes up for this with satisfying co-operative action that fills your screen with hundreds of enemies for you to kill.

Reviews provided by OpenCritic

World War Z - Pre-Apocalypse Character Skins Pack System Requirements




AMD A10-5700 / Core i3-3220


AMD Ryzen 5 2400G / Intel Core i7-3970 @ 3.50GHz


8 GB


16 GB


Windows 7 and later


64 bit Windows 10, DX11

Video Card

Radeon HD 5870 / GF650Ti / Intel 630

Video Card

Radeon R9 280 / GeForce GTX 960


45 GB


45 GB

Languages Supported

  • [Audio]: English

  • [Subtitles]: English, Russian, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portugalian (Brazilian), Polish, Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified)

  • Korean

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