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Dreadful River
Este juego está en acceso anticipado
Los juegos en acceso anticipado todavía se encuentran en desarrollo y podrían someterse a importantes cambios con el tiempo. Por tanto, puede que haya problemas imprevistos o que se añadan elementos de juego completamente nuevos durante este tiempo.Ahora puedes disfrutar del juego mientras se está creando o esperar hasta que ofrezca una experiencia más completa.About the game
Steer the raft along the river and its ever changing scenery. Watch your supplies and keep your guard while the weather and the cycle of day and night will affect your view. With each run of the game, the river will have a new course and lead you through different landscapes.
Your raft will be attacked from the shores and on the water. Defend your vessel and its crew against archers, javelin throwers, spellcasters and many more threats. Choose the right tactics and decide if you want to charge enemies or quietly evade them by floating ahead while they're sleeping.
Pick up flotsam, collect drops from defeated enemies or purchase items in settlements along the river. Merchants will have different selections, prices, trading choices and unique items.
Improve your raft: Increase crew capacity and inventory size and fortify your defenses.
Manage your crew members and improve their strength. Stop your raft at settlements and mercenary camps. Hire crew members such as Archers, Mages, Spearfighters and more. Also discover new crew member classes on your journey.
Logros disponibles
Requisitos del sistema de Dreadful River
OS version
Windows 10
OS version
Windows 10
Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz
Quad-core Intel or AMD, 4 GHz
8 GB
16 GB
DirectX 11, 12 compatible graphics card
DirectX 11, 12 compatible graphics card
DirectX 11
DirectX 11
13 GB
13 GB
Cuentas de inicio de sesión necesarias
Epic ID
Idiomas disponibles
Sonido: English
Texto: English
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