Mysterious Misadventures of Mollie and Mordecai

Mordecai cae en manos de un malvado mago la noche de Halloween y debe recurrir a la ayuda de Mollie para escapar de Twisted Estate. Transformados en muñecas, tendrán que utilizar sus habilidades y subir de nivel mientras luchan contra enemigos, resuelven rompecabezas y demás.

Join Mollie and Mordecai, two victims of the evil wizard's magic that has turned them into living dolls, in this Halloween adventure!

Enter Mollie and Mordecai, two completely different children that share the same fate. They now join forces to escape the evil wizards grasp and reverse the magic that turned them into dolls.

  • Traverse the corrupted estate from the cavernous attic, to the dungeon-like basement, and everywhere in-between!

  • Battle a legion of "The Stuffed!"

  • Collect items and use alchemy to make yourselves more powerful and dangerous!

  • Rely on each other's strengths to solve puzzles and make progress.

Requisitos del sistema de Mysterious Misadventures of Mollie and Mordecai



Versión del sistema operativo

Windows 7 de 64 bits

Versión del sistema operativo

Windows 7 de 64 bits


Intel i5 de cuarta generación, AMD FX-8300


Intel i5 de sexta generación (o superior), AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (o superior)


8 GB de RAM


8 GB de RAM


NVIDIA GTX 770, AMD R9 290


NVIDIA GTX 1060 (o superior)


DirectX 11


8 GB


8 GB

Idiomas disponibles

  • Sonido: English

  • Texto: English

The Mysterious Misadventures of Mollie and Mordecai is a trademark of Lunarfall LLC. ©️ 2022 Lunarfall LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.