The Backroom Project

Scientists made a new discovery about the Backrooms. Noclipping out of bounds in reality was a myth for long, but now it can be real! Now they are looking for subjects to test it on civil people. There are already scientists inside, so you have nothing to worry about, or do you?

Este juego está en acceso anticipado

Los juegos en acceso anticipado todavía se encuentran en desarrollo y podrían someterse a importantes cambios con el tiempo. Por tanto, puede que haya problemas imprevistos o que se añadan elementos de juego completamente nuevos durante este tiempo.Ahora puedes disfrutar del juego mientras se está creando o esperar hasta que ofrezca una experiencia más completa.

An atmospheric Horror game inspired by the popular internet creepypasta, The Backrooms.

In theory if we can somehow break the laws of physics and clip through an object, we can noclip out of bounds in normal reality. This may occur by an accident in most cases, but when it happens, you end up there. The Backrooms are a seemingly infinite non-linear space.
All rooms in Level 0 appear uniform and share superficial features such as yellowed wallpaper, damp carpeting, electrical outlets, and inconsistently placed fluorescent lighting. However, no two rooms within the level are identical.
Linear space in Level 0 is altered drastically; it is possible to walk in a straight line and return to the starting point, and end up in a completely different set of rooms than the ones previously passed through.

That was a myth for long, but now scientists discovered a new way of entering. They have made a lot of experiments and now they can say entering is totally safe and easy. They are having scientists there with experimenting motive and now looking for civil people to send in.
They are really friendly and respecting your needs. Then you get sent into the backrooms and find yourself alone.
Where are the others?

The Backroom Project-1y53k

Explore the Backrooms with a Camera and a Pedometer.
Don’t try to memorize the rooms or where you came from, this is the Backrooms.

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You are alone and these yellow walls and that sound of the lamps starting to drive you crazy. You hate that weird feeling you get there.
Are you sure you are alone? Is it just your mind?

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Logros disponibles

Are you still Alive?
50 de EXP
Sometimes Death is a Mercy
25 de EXP
25 de EXP
100 de EXP
25 de EXP

Requisitos del sistema de The Backroom Project



OS version

Windows 7 or higher 64bit

OS version

Windows 10 or higher 64bit


Intel Core i3 3GHz or AMD equivalent


Intel Core i5-4570 3GHz or AMD equivalent


8 GB


16 GB


NVIDIA GeForce 750ti or higher with 2GB Memory


NVIDIA GeForce 1050ti or higher with 4GB Memory


10 GB


10 GB

Idiomas disponibles

  • Sonido: English

  • Texto: English, Chinese (Simplified), Hungarian, German, Ukrainian, Italian, French, Spanish (Spain)

Developed and Published by Patrik Nagy (alien299), the owner of 3AM Studios. All rights reserved.