A Total War Saga: TROY

Adds a single button to the character UI to fully respec the character's skills, heroes and agents. This can be done multiple times, but each subsequent respec will cost you twice as much gold.

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Es necesario tener el juego

Este mod requiere el juego A Total War Saga: TROY.

Base respec cost is set to 10 gold per each level (meaning an agent or hero at lvl 10 will cost you 100 gold for the first respec). Then, this base cost is doubled each time you respec the character.

This is a just a script mode, so it should be compatible with everything and should be save compatible.

Current version: 1.0.3


It is a direct port of One Button Respec (Se abre en una pestaña nueva) warhammer 2 mod.

Huge thanks to Drunk Flamingo and Sm0kin for the original mod authored for Warhammer 2 upon which this mod is based off.

Issues / Feedbacks

If you have any feedback or have any issue with the mod, consider joining my Discord server (https://discord.gg/d4rs4vcX6t (Se abre en una pestaña nueva)) and head over the modding related channels.

You can also use the GitHub repository and open up an issue: https://github.com/mklabs/tw-troy-mod-respec-button (Se abre en una pestaña nueva)

You can also find a basic changelog there.