A Total War Saga: TROY

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/vszFpZcq9z Hi All, This mod overhaul combat animation by adding matched combat and kill animations for regular soldiers. You can now see soldiers engaging in 1v1 combat and see heads flying!

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This does not add matched combat and kill animations for two handed units (two handed spears, two handed axes etc) as simply there are no animations for them in game files...or I havent digged them out yet.

This mod will be still expanded to improve regular attack animations too like overused muay thai flying knee attacks and people doing near backflips from spear stabs or sword slashes.

Compatibility & Credits

-Mod already included in Agamemnon's Ambitions
-All mods and save games

Marthenil for helping me out how to work on animation files
Frodo45127 for RPFM update