What kind of game is 9Lives Arena?
9Lives Arena is a competitive online RPG with a focus on 1v1 PvP, featuring permadeath, persistent progression, resource gathering, item crafting and introduces the world's first cross platform companion, Ooogy, that works 24/7 for you as long as he is well fed. 9LA delivers a unique and thrilling gaming experience unlike anything on the market
What is an Ooogy?
Ooogies are very special in many ways. They are the world's first cross platform companions and sit at the heart of 9Lives Arena's cross platform experience combining 9Lives Arena on PC and consoles with the My Ooogy App on mobile (iOS and Android) that is currently in development. Think of an Ooogy as a tamagotchi on steroids. They work for you even while you are offline.
How does Permadeath work and what is the persistent progression?
You can fight as often as you like in the Training Arena to level up, win resources and Blueprints and practice your strategies and reflexes. Get Used to timing and switch out spells and abilities until you find your personal playstyle. You do not lose lives in the training arena.
When you are ready to bring your skills to the test and fight for a spot on the leaderboards you start fighting in the Inferno Arena where victories count and where a loss means the loss of a life!
When a character finally dies forever, he will turn into a statue. The top 3 of your player statues will permanently be on display in your Training Arena for other players to see.
While all items that your hero had equipped are gone with him, anything stored in your bank box is persistent across your account. All blueprints you won are persistent too, so are all spells and abilities that you have previously unlocked. The new hero you start will already have a full bank to pick and choose items from.
The biggest game changer to balance the permadeath though is your Ooogy. His progression is of course persistent too and he works for you even while you are offline. You do not have to do any grinding…that's all done by your Ooogy up to 24/7 if you keep him well fed.
How many Ooogies can you have in your world?
At present, you can currently have one Ooogy active at any given time to not give an unfair advantage to those who have purchased more Ooogies. If you have purchased more than one Ooogy, you can switch between Ooogies to level them up and in the future we will look at adding fun activities for additional Ooogies to hang out on the beach.
How does combat work?
Combat is skill based and performed in real time. How you fight highly depends on how you have initially built our character (spell, abilities, item strategy on top) and how you have leveled them up. Your focus might be on mobility, survivability, range combat, stealth...etc. You can create any type of character for example: Mage, Rogue or DPS build. How you build your character is up to you and that’s what will make your fighting different.
Is 9LA pay to win and how do purchasable Blueprints fit in?
Absolutely not, as competitive gamers ourselves we hate nothing more than pay to win.
All Blueprints sold are nothing but limited edition (rare) looking armour and weapon recipes. They don't offer any advantage in terms of power! They just look really cool! The starter blueprints that come with an account can create the same item stats as items based on store blueprints. There is NO difference between the blueprints besides the looks and their scarcity.
When an item based on a Blueprint gets crafted by your Ooogy it can come out as a grey, green, blue or purple quality item.
The better the quality the bigger the items stat budget. Stat rolls onto the items are random, that way even 2 purple items will rarely be identical. Pick and choose your own item strategy.
The higher the level of your Ooogy the better his chance to craft higher quality gear. Ooogies level up when they are active so make sure your Ooogy gets enough fish to work for you even while you are offline and away from the game.
When is 9Lives Arena coming out?
9Lives Arena is an online game currently in alpha which will then lead to open beta and eventually full release. As an online game it will keep getting updates and evolve post release.
You can still join the alpha right now through the purchase of Founder Pack. For more information head to our website.
Can I stream publicly when playing the alpha/beta?
Yes, we don't believe in hiding our progress and development. Of course there will be bugs and issues during the alpha but we aim to solve these during the alpha period. If you want to share a stream we would be happy if you made it clear the game is in an alpha state.
How many characters can I create per account?
Premium accounts (all Founder Packs come with premium) have a total of five character slots but when a character in a slot dies you can create a new character in that slot as often as you like. You can switch your characters by stepping in front of another characters chair inside your hub.
How many other players will be in 9LA and how many servers?
Currently our server is located on the east coast of the US. When beta launches and the player base grows, we will add more servers globally to ensure low latency across all regions.
Will there be in-game voice chat?
At this point in time we have not planned to make a native in game voice chat system.
What languages will 9LA support?
Other than English, we aim to translate the game to Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and Japanese during Beta. We may be supporting more languages over time.
What is a spirit hunter?
When one of your characters dies, you are left with a spirit in his slot. This spirit is a spirit hunter and can fight to gain back nine lives. Spirits start with zero lives and if they lose a fight they die permanently. If your spirit manages to gain 9 lives back, they will resurrect, just not into their initial character that died. Your character will become an Immortal. Immortals compete on their own leader board because they are very special. Immortals still lose a life when they lose a fight but they gain a life when they win a fight which makes them very hard to kill! They cap at a maximum of nine lives.
How and why are you using blockchain in 9Lives Arena and what are the advantages?
9LA is a competitive online RPG that can be played entirely without anything blockchain related.
We do however offer very rare, limited edition item blueprints in our store that are NFTs. Buying these blueprints is entirely optional and doesn't give any competitive edge over the ones that come with the game other than different looks.
Imagine that you have played 9Lives Arena for three years and you decide to move on to play other games. Three years ago you bought two blueprints, one limited to 49 in the world and one limited to 300 in the world. Even though they have been sold out for over two years, you can now decide to sell them and make some of the money back that you spent on them three years ago and possibly even make a profit with them. This is huge for players! So far, without blockchain, if you bought skins in any game you could never sell them later. Not only are they often not limited edition but they are also not freely tradable outside their games. And the game accounts are also not legally tradable.
Blockchain based items guarantee true item ownership and thus the ability for players to trade their blueprints at will Blockchain technology allows 100% transparent item scarcity and secure item trading.
The random Ooogies we sell are also blockchain based and optional purchases as the game comes with a standard Ooogy that is not on the blockchain and can level up just as well as any blockchain based Ooogy. Random blockchain based Ooogies have random generated looks. There are over 3 trillion possible look combinations for an Ooogy. Blockchain based Ooogies can be traded between players for their unique looks and players can level them up.
The game and how it plays is the most important thing to us. We are passionate about gaming and we want you to have fun in all the games we make. Integrating blockchain technology is only an added bonus to our players. You don't have to use blockchain based items at all but if you care for different looks of your character or for your Ooogy you can purchase vanity items. What’s great about these blockchain based vanity items is that you have true item ownership over them and are allowed to trade them securely thanks to blockchain based smart contracts.
We truly believe ingame items and blockchain technology is a match made in heaven and the future for video game item sales as they provide the gamers with true item ownership!
What are Blueprints?
Blueprints are crafting recipes that allow players to craft unlimited amounts of items based on that blueprint.
Can blueprints give an unfair advantage?
No, because blueprints are neutral by design just like skins in games like League of Legends or Fortnite.
Why are blueprints so valuable?
Selling skins in video games is a 30 Billion $ industry. 9LA is the first game ever that lets players in on the monetisation of skins.
Owning a rare blueprint allows the player to become a retailer for that specific looking armor piece or weapon and sell items based on that blueprint to our player base.
How does the crafting work?
Your Ooogy will be able to craft items based on your blueprint. Each blueprint needs a bunch of resources like iron, leather, bone, gold or a combination of a few resources.
Based on your Ooogy’s level and crafting skills, he has different chances to make different levels of quality gear. The items he forges based on a blueprint can come out in grey, green, blue or purple quality (purple being the highest)
Grey: stat budget of 1
Green: stat budget of 2
Blue: stat budget of 3
Purple: stat budget of 4
However, which actual stats roll onto the item is random! This means each purple will vary. Some people will be after different stats so the value is in the eye of the beholder as players favor different stats on their characters. Stats include, intelligence, strength, magic crit chance, melee crit chance, harvest hitpoints, run speed etc.
Why are some blueprints more expensive than others?
Price is related to rarity. Some blueprints will only belong to 49 people in the world and will NEVER be sold again (by us)! This is as rare as it gets! As a blueprint holder you have the opportunity to craft as many items of that blueprint as you want which means you can use them on your heroes, give them to friends or sell them to other players. All our blueprints are on the blockchain so you can also sell the actual blueprint to someone else in the future.
Can I use 9Lives Arena without interacting or engaging with blockchain, NFT, or cryptocurrency?
Yes you can play 9Lives Arena without engaging in anything to do with blockchain, NFT's or cryptocurrency.
NFTs are just the icing on the cake and entirely optional to engage with.
How is blockchain, NFT, or cryptocurrency used in this game?
We do not use a crypto token in the game
NFTs are entirely optional and add no competitive advantage in PvP.
NFTs add limited edition items to the game that vary from skins to crafting recipes (blueprints) or rare looking Ooogies or Ooogy clothes and accessories or cool looking bloodlines.
What utility does blockchain and NFTs bring to the product?
Each NFT has a different utility. See below:
Ooogy NFTs: They are all unique looking with over 3 trillion possible unique looks. These can level up and as an NFT be traded. Ooogies work for the player even when he is offline and gather resources or execute other tasks for the player.
Blueprint NFTs: These are crafting recipes that will allow players to craft NFT based armour or weapon skins.
Lucky Charm NFTs: These are necklaces for Ooogies and give your Ooogy an NFT drop chance when he goes treasure hunting for you on Epic treasure maps.
NFT Hunter Avatar NFTs: These give you an NFT drop chance in ranked arenas
Mount NFTs: There are 9999 unique looking Mounts that are randomly generated and allow you to get around the game faster.
Bloodline NFTs: These are unique looking humanoid characters to play as.
Consumable NFTs: good example is an Ooogy level up potion. These can drop as loot be traded or used to give your Ooogy a level up.
Does this product require me to connect an external wallet? What wallets does this product support?
No you do not need a wallet at all. You can play 9Lives Arena without a wallet because NFTs are completely optional.
If you do want to use NFTs, Metamask is the wallet to use.
What chain does this product use? Is the chain proof-of-work or proof-of-stake?
9Lives Arena uses Homeverse Layer 2 on Oasys which is Proof of Stake.
Does 9Lives Arena have a marketplace? What can I do with the things that I earn (or purchase)?
Yes, 9Lives Arena has a marketplace that you can find on our website (Se abre en una pestaña nueva). You can trade NFTs there - buy or sell.
What in-app or in-game purchases are offered in the game?
Coin Packs: You can purchase various ingame coin packs that enable you to purchase ingame items.
Character slots: The free to play base game comes with 1 character slot only. Purchasing additional character slots enables you to switch back and forth between different characters where you experiment with different build strategies. Each additional character slot also comes with an additional 36 bank slots for your persistent inventory on your account.
Bloodlines: These are humanoid character appearances that you can choose to play the game with - basically a character skin.
Ooogy gear: These are hats or outfits your Ooogy can be dressed up with or accessories.
Bank slots: if you feel your inventory is too small you can purchase additional inventory slots.
Fish packs: If you ever get lazy feeding your Ooogy and want an option other than to do a bit of fishing you can purchase varius fish packs.
Can 9Lives Arena be used without making any in-app purchases?
Yes and you have no disadvantages, what we sell is neutral to arenas.
Are in-app purchases refundable?
What payment platform is used to facilitate these purchases? Do you use Epic Games’ platform or a 3rd-party (including your own) payment system?
We use ingame coins that are sold via Epic Store offerings similar to Fortnite.