What is included in Early Access?

The Early Access version includes a pirate adventure game with survival mechanics. You can experience melee and naval combat systems that are almost fully complete, alongside treasure hunting with your crew and ship. The gameplay will continually expand as new features are added during this period.

What is the current state of the game?

The game is in a stable, playable state, with continuous bug fixes and refinements to ensure a polished experience. Core mechanics, including combat systems and survival elements, are nearly finished, allowing players to explore a robust pirate-themed adventure.

How long will the game be in Early Access?

The game is planned to stay in Early Access until early 2025. However, the timeline may be adjusted slightly to accommodate community feedback and additional features. Regardless, the goal is to complete the game by the end of 2025.

How often will you be updating the game?

Updates will be released regularly and frequently throughout Early Access. These updates will introduce new features, address bugs, and enhance gameplay based on player feedback.

Will my progress be saved during updates?

Yes, your progress will be preserved during updates. Every effort is being made to ensure that you can continue your adventure seamlessly as new content and features are added.

Will the price change when the game leaves Early Access?

Yes, the price will gradually increase as the game approaches full release. Purchasing during Early Access not only provides an affordable price but also directly supports the game’s development.

Can I provide feedback and bug reports?

Absolutely! Player feedback is highly encouraged and will play a major role in shaping the game. You can share your feedback and bug reports on our website, Discord, and YouTube channels.