Creatures of Ava: Deluxe Edition
Creatures of Ava: Deluxe Edition
Creatures of Ava: Deluxe Edition includes:
•Creatures of Ava
•Creatures of Ava: Artbook & Original Soundtrack
•Creatures of Ava: Deluxe Backpack Trinkets Set
•Creatures of Ava: WDC Charity Backpack Trinkets Set
Creatures of Ava
Let your empathy guide you as you play an exciting action-adventure, creature-saver game. Understand and tame the creatures of Ava and let them lead you through a variety of ecosystems – all in the hopes of saving the planet from a life-consuming infection.
Creatures of Ava: Artbook & Original Soundtrack
Explore the art from the game thanks to a digital artbook filled to the brim with images of Ava’s unique landscapes and inhabitants. Also, listen to the OST that contains heart-warming tracks (formats: MP3, WAV, FLAC) composed by Adrian Berenguer.
This art set includes a collection of cool desktop wallpapers as well. You can also bring Ava to life from the screen to your room thanks to a unique 3D printable model of Huhu, one of Ava’s cute inhabitants.
Creatures of Ava: Deluxe Backpack Trinkets Set
It’s time to buckle up and set off on a creature-saving adventure! Adorn the backpack of the game’s main character with a collection of neat trinkets.
Creatures of Ava: WDC Charity Backpack Trinkets Set
Not only the wildlife of Ava needs your help. By buying this DLC, you support an organization that helps preserve life on our planet.
11 bit studios will donate 81% of Net Receipts from sales of this DLC to WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation. WDC is a UK registered charity (no. 1014705).
Ediciones de Creatures of Ava(2)
Calificaciones y reseñas de Creatures of Ava
Los críticos lo recomiendan76
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Requisitos del sistema de Creatures of Ava
Versión de sistema operativo
Versión de sistema operativo
Idiomas disponibles
Audio: N/A
Texto: Inglés
11 BIT STUDIOS® is a registered trademark of 11 BIT STUDIOS S.A. Creatures of Ava® is a registered trademark of INVERGE STUDIOS S.L. © 11 BIT STUDIOS S.A. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.