Dungeon Fighter Online

Opciones de personalización inclusivas
Estupendas batallas contra jefes
Get ready for the ultimate brawl! Dungeon Fighter Online is a classic beat-em up 2D action RPG with an epic storyline! Choose from 17 diverse classes, and unravel ancient mysteries as you punch, slash, shoot, or summon your way to victory!


Get ready for the ultimate brawl! Dungeon Fighter Online is a classic beat-em up 2D action game with an epic storyline and RPG elements! Choose from 17 diverse classes, and unravel ancient mysteries as you punch, slash, shoot, or summon your way to victory!

With fast-paced gameplay and unique side scrolling 2D action, Dungeon Fighter Online (DFO) is an Action-anime MORPG played by over 700 million players worldwide.

Delve into the fantasy adventure with an epic story line and a variety of characters! You are the hero of the next adventure!


DFO features 2D side-scrolling action inspired by classic arcade games such as Golden Axe and Double Dragon. If memories of playing good ol' games like Street Fighter give you nostalgia, and want to indulge yourself with a similar experience, this is the game for you!

Incredible Hit Effects and Spectacular Combos

Like a true action game, DFO showcases dazzling hit effects and complex combos- easy to learn but hard to master! Also, beautiful illustrations for each class add more to the gaming experience.

Dynamic Customization

DFO allows you to customize your character with thousands of avatar pieces and endless combinations. Dyes are also available so that you can color and further personalize your avatars. Fighting doesn't mean you need to sacrifice fashion!

Calificaciones de jugadores de Epic

Información de jugadores en el ecosistema de Epic Games.


Este juego tiene

Opciones de personalización inclusivas

Este juego tiene

Estupendas batallas contra jefes

Requisitos del sistema de Dungeon Fighter Online



Versión de sistema operativo

Microsoft Windows 7 64bit or higher

Versión de sistema operativo

Microsoft Windows 10 64bit or higher


Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 or higher


Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 or higher


4GB or more


8GB or more


30GB or more HDD space


30GB or more HDD space


VRAM 512MB or higher, Graphics Card that supports Pixel Shader 3.0 or higher


VRAM 512MB or higher, Graphics Card that supports Pixel Shader 3.0 or higher

Idiomas disponibles

  • Audio: Inglés

  • Texto: Inglés

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