Trails of Cold Steel IV - Consumable Value Set

Un conjunto de objetos curación y soporte. (Advanced Medicine Set 2, Advanced Medicine Set 3, Dragon Incense Set 2, Dragon Incense Set 3, Droplet Set 3, Droplet Set 4...)

Trails of Cold Steel IV - Consumable Value Set


Un conjunto de objetos curación y soporte.

Advanced Medicine Set 2 & 3
Dragon Incense Set 2 & 3
Droplet Set 3 - 5
Gifts from Eryn
Monster Ingredients Set 2 & 3
Rebellious Septian Set: Fire
Rebellious Septian Set: Water
Rebellious Septian Set: Wind
Sepith Set 3 - 5
Shining Pom Droplet Set 3 - 5
Shining Pom Droplet Value Set 3 - 5
Spirit Incense Set 2 & 3
U-Material Set 4 - 9
Zeram Powder Set 2 & 3
Zeram Capsule Set 2 & 3

 También puedes obtener estos objetos en el juego.
 Puedes obtener estos objetos en la pestaña de DLC en la página Item (objetos).
* Si superas la capacidad máxima, se descartará el exceso.

Calificaciones y reseñas de The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV


por David Flynn

90 / 100

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV is a fitting end to the saga of Erebonia. While there are tons of characters returning and plot threads from previous games, newcomers will still be able to enjoy the complicated, political tale along with a deep battle system.


por Jae Lee

8.5 / 10

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 4 is a true culmination of an epic journey filled with unforgettable characters in a world that has become as familiar and inviting to me as my own hometown. If not for the lackluster localization effort and continuous implementation of uneven voice acting, this could have been the perfect send off for the members of Class VII, Thors military academy.

Metro GameCentral

7 / 10

A finale that only exacerbates the faults of the series up till now but the sheer audacity of the storytelling, and the goodwill built up over so many years, pushes it over the finishing line.

Reseñas proporcionadas por OpenCritic

Requisitos del sistema de Trails of Cold Steel IV - Consumable Value Set



Sistema operativo

Windows 10/8.1/7 de 64 bits

Sistema operativo

Windows 10/8.1/7 de 64 bits


Core i3-2100 a 3.10 GHz


AMD FX-8320 de 8 núcleos


8 GB de RAM


16 GB de RAM


25 GB de espacio disponible


25 GB de espacio disponible


GeForce GTX 650 Ti


Radeon R7 370


Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits


Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits

Idiomas disponibles

  • AUDIO: inglés, japonés

  • TEXTO: inglés, japonés

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