Alien Marauder comporte des contenus qui ne sont pas classifiés et peut ne pas être approprié à tous les âges.
Why Early Access?
“We believe that communication and interaction with active players is the best way to make a good game, and we need to get more users' feedbacks and reviews during development to make the game better. Players can also get early access to the game and give us feedback on where the game needs to be improved. We want as many players as an activity to get involved in our development, to make this game better.”
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
“Early Access is expected to continue for some time, We'd like to spend as much time improving the game as possible, add as many quality elements as our creativity and technical ability allow!”
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
“More heroes and maps will be coming with the full release version of Alien Marauder.
We expect players to come up with some new ideas, new ideas can bring us new inspiration, it allows us to do something different than what we planned for the release. So we set aside a certain amount of time to create the gameplay that players want. Those gameplay will be fully reflected in the full version.”
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
“The early Access version of "Alien Marauder" include:
Two game mode - Survival mode and Last Stand mode
Four heroes : Both in-game modes(Survival and Last Stand) will have one new melee-specialized hero and one range-attack-specialized hero
Maps: Four complete maps”
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“The price of the basic package will remain the same after the early access is over.”
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
“On the one hand, we will continue to interact with players through the Steam Community, and on the other hand, we will quickly get feedback and suggestions from players through the global player Communities, and continue to refine game based on these suggestions. We want every player join the Alien Marauder development, to make it a more participatory experience for the players. Not just only playing the game, the player is one of the designers of this game.”