Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit Soundtrack comporte des contenus qui ne sont pas classifiés et peut ne pas être approprié à tous les âges.
Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit Soundtrack
Pack your bags and journey with Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit through modern day Europe to uncover the secrets of the king who was never crowned. And while doing that, you can listen to the atmospheric, adventurous tunes composed and produced by Daniel Pharos!
Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit Soundtrack
Legends of the past come back to life in this charming point-and-click adventure.
Pack your bags and journey with Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit through modern day Europe to uncover the secrets of the king who was never crowned. And while doing that, you can listen to the atmospheric, adventurous tunes composed and produced by Daniel Pharos!
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Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit - Notes et avis
80 %
Recommandations de la critique77
Moyenne des meilleurs avisTrès bien
Évaluation sur OpenCritic- Voir tous les avis (Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet)
Avis fournis par OpenCritic
Configuration système requise pour Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit
Configuration recommandée
OS version
Windows 7 ou ultérieur
OS version
Windows 7 ou ultérieur
1,6 GHz minimum
1,6 GHz minimum
4 Go
4 Go
avec capacités DX10 (Shader model 4.0)
avec capacités DX10 (Shader model 4.0)
4 Go
4 Go
Langues disponibles
Audio: English
Texte: French, English, Russian, German
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