Galactic Civilizations IV to Supernova Upgrade

Looking to play the latest edition of Galactic Civilizations? Upgrade to Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova for a reduced price when you own Galactic Civilizations IV on the Epic Games Store.



Galactic Civilizations IV to Supernova Upgrade

Upgrade to Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova for a reduced price when you own Galactic Civilizations IV on the Epic Games Store.

Galactic Civilizations IV - Notes et avis

PC Gamer

par Rick Lane

68 / 100

Galactic Civilizations 4 is a vast and dependable grand space strategy. But there's little here that radical, and expect to meet it halfway.

PC Invasion

par Jason Rodriguez

7 / 10

Despite having some interesting concepts and refreshing mechanics, Galactic Civilizations IV suffers from an unintuitive UI, lack of tooltip information, and production queue bugs.


par Cosmin Vasile

8.5 / 10

Galactic Civilizations IV has a solid foundation, in terms of mechanics and presentation, but needs to add polish. I like the wide-ranging customization offered at the start of a campaign and how the early game moves. But the experience needs more excitement for the middle game and extra variety in terms of events and challenges.

Avis fournis par OpenCritic

Configuration système requise pour Galactic Civilizations IV to Supernova Upgrade


Configuration recommandée

Système d'exploitation

Windows 10 64 bits

Système d'exploitation

Windows 10/11 (64 bits)


Processeur Quad-Core


Processeur Quad-Core

Mémoire vive

8 Go de RAM

Mémoire vive

16 Go de RAM


14 Go


14 Go


macOS 11


macOS 11

Carte graphique

Carte graphique 1 Go

Carte graphique

Carte graphique 1 Go


Résolution d'écran minimale requise : 1920 x 1080.

Langues disponibles

  • Audio : anglais

  • Texte : anglais

© Stardock Entertainment. Galactic Civilizations is a registered trademark of Stardock Entertainment. All rights reserved.

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