GOLDORAK – Le Festin des Loups - Soundtrack

Découvrez la bande originale de GOLDORAK – Le Festin des Loups Soundtrack.



GOLDORAK – Le Festin des Loups - Soundtrack

Discover the original soundtrack of UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER – The Feast of the Wolves.

GOLDORAK – Le Festin des Loups - Notes et avis


par Ollie Barder

7 / 10

Overall, Grendizer is a solid game with a clear love and passion for its classic super robot source material. It’s also very much meant for fans of Grendizer, otherwise much of its appeal and charm will be lost. It also clearly needed more time for polish and general graphical optimization. That said, it still plays decently with these shortcomings and is worth a look for those that want to pilot an old school super robot.

Avis fournis par OpenCritic

Configuration système requise pour GOLDORAK – Le Festin des Loups


Configuration recommandée

Version du système d'exploitation

Windows 10

Version du système d'exploitation

Windows 10


Intel Core i5-11500


Intel Core i7-11700K

Mémoire vive

8 GB

Mémoire vive

16 GB

Processeur graphique

GTX 1065

Processeur graphique

RTX 3060


DirectX 11


DirectX 11

Langues disponibles

  • Audio: Anglais, Français, Arabe, Italien, Japonais

  • Texte: Arabe, Chinois simplifié, Chinois traditionnel, Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Japonais, Coréen, Espagnol (Espagne)

©Go Nagai/Dynamic Planning ©Dynamic Planning・TOEI ANIMATION, LTD. Is a licensing company established in April 1974 by Go Nagai, the original author of Mazinger Z, UFO Robot Grendizer and Devilman. UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER – THE FEAST OF THE WOLVES Produced and Published by Microids ©2023 Microids SA. All rights reserved. Developed by Endroad.