Island Paradise comporte des contenus qui ne sont pas classifiés et peut ne pas être approprié à tous les âges.
Why Early Access?
„While the core mechanics of Island Paradise are ready, the game can grow and evolve a lot – and Early Access is just the perfect place for it to reach its true potential. We believe that allowing players to experience the core content of Island Paradise and actively interacting with them to collect their feedback will allow us to improve the game and make it much better than it would be without this early access stage .”
What is the current state of the game?
„It's a single-player experience of survival and transforming a deserted island into a perfect home for humanity. Exploration, crafting, unlocking technologies and base building are already present in the game and all the core systems are there. Island paradise will slowly evolve from a few settlements, to a modern island with a modern infrastructure, as you discover the entire island and create all the necessary technology to do so.”
How long will the game be in Early Access?
„Our plan is to make Early Access last between two and four years, depending on player feedback and the content we choose to add to the game.”
Will the price change when the game leaves Early Access?
„We want the price to represent what's already in the game. As the game grows, the price will rise to correspond to the experience given to the player. So the price will change either over the course of Early Access, or at full launch.”
Can I provide feedback and bug reports?
„Yes,Feedback will have a strong influence on how the game has evolved and will continue to play a vital role in its continued development.”