Kaze and the Wild Masks

Go on a journey as Kaze in this 90’s classics inspired platformer. When the Crystal Islands get cursed, Kaze needs to save her friend Hogo while facing enraged living vegetables. Find the Wild Masks to unleash the powers of the legendary guardians and master land, sky and sea.

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About Kaze and the Wild Masks

In Kaze and the Wild Masks, you journey through the Crystal Islands in 90’s classics platformer style. Play as Kaze and save your friend Hogo from a curse that spread chaos around the islands. Face enraged living vegetables by invoking the powers of the Wild Masks. Pounce ferociously like a tiger, soar through the sky like an eagle, sprint fiercely like a lizard and rule the sea like a shark.

Kaze and the Wild Masks-saiqn


• Unleash the skills of the Wild Masks to get powers from the tiger, eagle, lizard and shark
• Uncover the secrets of the Crystal Islands in 30+ levels with over 50 bonus levels
• Relive your childhood memories of classic platformers with high quality frame by frame pixel art
• Pave your way through a satisfyingly smooth, but challenging platformer

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Succès disponibles

Collectionneur de cristaux
10 XP
Intouchable !
10 XP
Reine suprême
25 XP
Impeccable !
100 XP
Lapin doré
10 XP
Éditions de Kaze and the Wild Masks(2)

Kaze and the Wild Masks

Kaze and the Wild Masks - Original Soundtrack

19,99 $US

Kaze and the Wild Masks

Kaze and the Wild Masks - Original Soundtrack

22,49 $US

DLC et contenus additionnels de Kaze and the Wild Masks

Kaze and the Wild Masks - Notes et avis


par Chris Moyse

8 / 10

Kaze and the Wild Masks is an unashamed blast from the past, for better or worse. PixelHive's love letter to 16-bit gaming surmounts budgetary and design shortcomings with a compelling challenge, luscious visuals, and an evocative soundtrack, all punctuated by a solid underdog spirit. Kaze's polished but formulaic gameplay will not be to everyone's taste, but for those who long for the halcyon days when the platformer was king, it's most definitely wabbit season.

PC Invasion

par Andrew Farrell

8.5 / 10

While on the short side and not particularly original, Kaze and the Wild Masks is an exceptional 2D platformer filled with well designed, engaging levels and tight, responsive controls.


par Elisha Deogracias

90 / 100

Kaze and the Wild Masks is a near-perfect platformer with a lot of charm and entertaining gameplay. It’s just a rush of amazing platforming action chock-full of collectibles and challenge that will have you grinning ear-to-ear like you did in the 90s.

Avis fournis par OpenCritic

Configuration système requise pour Kaze and the Wild Masks


Configuration recommandée

Version du système d'exploitation

Windows 7

Version du système d'exploitation

Windows 7


Intel® Core™ i3-380M


Intel® Core™ i3-380M

Mémoire vive


Mémoire vive


Processeur graphique

Intel® HD Graphics 5000

Processeur graphique

Intel® HD Graphics 5000


DirectX 10


600 MB available space

Compte requis

Epic ID

Langues disponibles

  • Audio: N/A

  • Texte: Arabe, Bulgare, Chinois simplifié, Chinois traditionnel, Tchèque, Danois, Néerlandais, Anglais, Finnois, Français, Allemand, Grec, Hongrois, Italien, Japonais, Coréen, Norvégien, Polonais, Portugais (Brésil), Roumain, Russe, Espagnol (Espagne), Suédois, Thai, Turc, Ukrainien, Vietnamien

Kaze and the Wild Masks © PixelHive. Published by SOEDESCO®, Koddeweg 13, 3194 DH, Hoogvliet. All rights reserved. Developed by PixelHive. All rights reserved.

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