NORCO Original Soundtrack comporte des contenus qui ne sont pas classifiés et peut ne pas être approprié à tous les âges.
NORCO Original Soundtrack
NORCO Original Soundtrack
A collaborative joint release
The NORCO Original Soundtrack is a collaborative joint release containing the complete in-game score by Geography of Robots composer Gewgawly I, as well as an album’s worth of new material from Baton Rouge-based sludge metal band Thou. Featuring over 2 hours of music across 43 tracks in total.
Post-industrial electronic
The driving, post-industrial electronic score by Gewgawly I is a master work of ambiance, not only reminiscent of some of the best game soundtracks from the 80s and 90s but also a stunning work of contemporary experimental music pushing the genre forward in exciting ways.
Thou have rounded out the game's grit with a wash of downtuned doom and drone. The band’s music been described as "for fans of: alienation, absurdity, boredom, futility, decay, the tyranny of history, the vulgarities of change, awareness as agony, and reason as disease," and these themes come to life vividly in Thou's collaboration with the richly illustrated world of NORCO.
Goo in a Burning City
At the heart of this South Louisiana collaboration is the standout track "Goo in a Burning City (fmGew Remix)" which is a remix of a Thou track by Gewgawly I and Geography of Robots sound designer fmAura, marrying the two sounds, and is featured in-game and in NORCO's Act One trailer.
Norco - Notes et avis
96 %
Recommandations de la critique90
Moyenne des meilleurs avisSuper
Évaluation sur OpenCritic- Voir tous les avis (Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet)
Configuration système requise pour Norco
Configuration recommandée
Version du système d'exploitation
Windows 7
Version du système d'exploitation
Windows 10
Mémoire vive
4 Go
Mémoire vive
8 Go
Processeur graphique
Vega 8 ou équivalent
Processeur graphique
Série NVIDIA 700 ou équivalent
DirectX 9
3 Go
4 Go
Langues disponibles
Audio: N/A
Texte: English, French, German, Spanish (Spain), Russian, Portuguese
© Copyright 2022 Geography of Robots. Developed by Geography of Robots. Published by Raw Fury AB. All Rights Reserved.
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