
  • qomp 2-qa0it
An artful reimagining of Pong.

Control a Pong ball aching to break free of its life stuck between two paddles.

Explore a dangerous, minimalist world, armed with simple two button controls: tap a button to change direction diagonally by 45 degrees, and hold down a button to unleash a cathartic dash forward. That’s all you need to solve environmental puzzles and labyrinthine levels. Around each corner is a new challenge that will test your two-button and problem-solving skills. A variety of difficult enemies and bosses help you mark your time as you navigate through 30 levels spread across four worlds.

qomp2 effectively captures the essence of the original 1972 Pong and its spiritual successor, the 2021 experimental indie title qomp.

Key Features:

  • Cerebral Puzzling: The simple, two button controls belie complex and compelling gameplay. Use your reflexes and think ahead to avoid hazards, flip switches, and bounce your way through 30 tricky levels. Hidden collectibles push you to explore every inch of the minimalist maps.

  • A Surprise around Every Corner: qomp2 constantly delights as new features, mechanics, enemies, traps and hazards are introduced as you progress deeper into the game. Don’t get complacent: As soon as you’ve mastered one aspect of gameplay, another is ready to challenge you.

  • Bosses: Four challenging bosses block your path at the end of each world. You will need to use all your newfound skills to master their attacks and defenses. Don’t worry. Death isn’t the end in an arcade-inspired world. Quick respawn makes sure you’re back in the action in seconds.

  • A Serene Soundscape: A soundtrack of ambient jams gets you in the groove, and helps you keep your cool, as you work your way through the minimalist maze.

  • An Emotional Journey: An enigmatic story of doubt, fear, and self-acceptance, told wordlessly through simple effects and gameplay.

Succès disponibles

100 XP
100 XP
200 XP
100 XP
50 XP

qomp2 - Notes et avis

God is a Geek

par Lyle Carr

8 / 10

qomp2 is a delightful retro romp that answers all the questions you ever had about the Pong ball, and is packed full of creative mechanics.


par Lucas White

7 / 10

If anything, I’m grateful to qomp2 for introducing me to the concept, and eventually to experiencing the first qomp. I can see why that game hit the way it did, and inspired Atari to pick it up and try its own version. It’s a cool subversion of one of gaming’s oldest-standing innovators. But it feels shortsighted to hand the project off to a different set of hands, when the first set is the one that made the magic happen in the first place. And there’s genuine effort here, but the vibes are off, man.

Worth Playing

par Cody Medellin

7 / 10

qomp2 is an interesting title that certainly isn't for everyone. The limited controls make for an equally frustrating yet rewarding experience once you master the mechanics. The difficulty starts off fine, but the quick ramp-up will throw people off guard. The infinite lives, generous checkpoints, and some of the more helpful options help mitigate the ramp-up, but don't be surprised if you get stumped often. If you have a high level of patience and a love for unusual concepts and controls, you're the perfect candidate to enjoy the qomp2 experience.

Avis fournis par OpenCritic

Configuration système requise pour qomp2


Configuration recommandée

OS version

Windows 7

OS version

Windows 7


Dual Core +


Dual Core +






Integrated Graphics


Integrated Graphics

Langues disponibles

  • Audio: N/A

  • Texte: English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Latin America), Russian, German

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