Vegas: Make It Big™

  • Vegas Make It Big-udmtk
Develop a state-of-the art Las Vegas resort complex, using all the money and management skill you can. Customers on the living, breathing Las Vegas boulevard are Notoriously hard to satisfy - can you win the hearts and wallets of Vegas? Amazing real-time 3D graphics...



Develop a state-of-the art Las Vegas resort complex, using all the money and management skill you can. Customers on the living, breathing Las Vegas boulevard are Notoriously hard to satisfy - can you win the hearts and wallets of Vegas?

Amazing real-time 3D graphics show off your resort to the max. Experience grand panoramic views, or get up close and personal to fine-tune the inside and outside of your perfect Vegas paradise.

  • Fulfill the needs of 5000+ individual guests

  • 500+ vehicles include cars, taxis, limos and helicopters

  • 10 resort styles, inspired by amazing cultures and themes

  • Relaxed attractions provide a welcome break

  • Create a wedding chapel on the spur of the moment

  • Breathtaking rides and attractions

  • User friendly controls make resort construction simple

  • Fully customizable - adjust goals, competition and difficulty

  • Develop not just the outside of your resort, but the inside too

  • Hire and fire staff, based on true-to-life skills and qualities

  • Adjust the stakes in your favor and Make It Big!

VEGA$: Make It Big © 2003 Empire Interactive Europe Limited. Designed and developed by Deep Red Games Limited. Empire, "E" and Make It Big are trademarks or registered trademarks of Empire Interactive Europe Limited in the UK, Europe and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Configuration système requise pour Vegas: Make It Big™


Configuration recommandée

OS version

Windows® 98

OS version

Windows® 98 or newer


Pentium® III 600MHz


Pentium® III 800MHz or higher






16MB 3D graphics card


32MB 3D graphics card


DirectX 9


500MB of free hard disc space


500MB of free hard disc space or more

Langues disponibles

  • Audio: N/A

  • Texte: English