Colonna sonora di Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake

Perditi nel mondo di Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake con una colonna sonora tutta nuova. Basata sulle musiche originali di Gustaf Grefberg, questa nuova meravigliosa versione comprende 25 tracce composte da Daniele Carmosino e Christof Unterberger.

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Colonna sonora di Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake

Perditi nel mondo di Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake con una colonna sonora tutta nuova. Basata sulle musiche originali di Gustaf Grefberg, questa meravigliosa versione comprende 10 arrangiamenti rinnovati e 15 tracce nuove composte da Daniele Carmosino e Christof Unterberger.

Elenco delle tracce:

  1. Brothers, A Tale Of Two Sons

  2. Tragedy At The Sea

  3. Father Is Sick

  4. The Village

  5. Woods

  6. An Unfriendly Dog

  7. Unexpected Help

  8. The Troll Cave

  9. Finally Outside

  10. Father's Theme

  11. Wilderness

  12. Don't Trust Those Roots

  13. Mother's Dream

  14. Mountains

  15. Wings Of Hope

  16. Father's Theme (Feather Version)

  17. Dead Giant's Battlefield

  18. Frozen Land

  19. The Hidden Menace

  20. The Spider Nest

  21. The Tree Of Life

  22. The Climb

  23. Naia

  24. Lonely Way Back

  25. Heading Home

Valutazioni e recensioni di Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake

God is a Geek

di Chris White

9 / 10

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake is a top example of bringing back a classic to the present day, with stunning visuals and a great story.


di Jim Hargreaves

8 / 10

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was hardly in need of a remake. However, replaying the game more than a decade after its debut, where every inch has been beautifully crafted anew, has been a delightful experience, and one we can finally share with a second player. We just wish there was more of it.

Game Rant

di Pam K. Ferdinand

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake is an ideal opportunity for gamers who may have missed the original release, but it’s also worth another playthrough for those who enjoyed the 2013 version. While the game developed by Starbreeze remains a classic and has aged decently well, Avantgarden’s remake improves upon it in nearly every way to bring the delightful, sometimes emotional odyssey to modern platforms.

Recensioni fornite da OpenCritic

Requisiti di sistema di Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake



Versione SO

Windows 10

Versione SO

Windows 10


Intel Core i7-6700 (4 * 3400), AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (4 * 3500)


Intel Core i7-10700 (8 * 2900), AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (8 * 3600) o equivalente


8 GB


16 GB


GPU NVIDIA GTX1650 con 8 GB di RAM dedicata


GeForce RTX 2060 Super (6.144 MB), Radeon RX 5700 (8.192 MB)


DirectX 11


DirectX 12


35 GB di spazio libero


35 GB di spazio libero

Account di accesso obbligatori

Epic ID

Lingue supportate

  • Audio: Inglese

  • Testo: Francese, Inglese, Russo, Coreano, Giapponese, Cinese tradizionale, Cinese semplificato, Italiano, Spagnolo (Spagna), Tedesco, Portoghese brasiliano

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