Capes - King City Edition

Include il gioco Capes e il Supporter Pack, una selezione di elementi bonus e DLC.

Capes - King City Edition

In addition to Capes, the King City Edition contains the complete Supporter Pack DLC:

  • 8 Alternate Hero Skins: Change your outfits to battle crime with new style.

  • Digital Artbook: A look behind the scenes of the game, featuring concept art and inspirations.

  • 24 Wallpapers in 4K: Enjoy characters and environments in beautiful illustrated images.

Edizioni di Capes(2)


Capes - Supporter Pack

39,99 USD


Capes - Supporter Pack

46,39 USD

Valutazioni e recensioni di Capes

PC Gamer

di Robin Valentine

80 / 100

An awkward story doesn't hold Capes back from being one of the best turn-based strategy games of recent years.

Hardcore Gamer

di Thomas Kent

4 / 5

With its vibrant visuals, intricate gameplay mechanics and a narrative that both entertains and provokes thought, Capes sets itself up as a memorable addition to the superhero genre. While there are minor audio-visual sync issues and balance quirks in the combat system, the overall experience is overwhelmingly positive. This game promises hours of engaging gameplay and delivers a powerful commentary on control and resistance in a dystopian future.


di Dan Stapleton

8 / 10

Capes is a clever and challenging tactics game with a clear love of the superhero comics that inspired it. And no one actually wears a cape.

Recensioni fornite da OpenCritic

Requisiti di sistema di Capes



Versione SO

Windows 10 a 64 bit

Versione SO

Windows 10/11 a 64 bit


Quad-Core Intel o AMD da 2,5 GHz o superiore


Da confermare


8 GB


16 GB di RAM


NVIDIA GeForce 960 GTX o AMD RX 590


Da confermare


DirectX 11


8 GB

Scheda audio

Scheda audio compatibile con DirectX

Account di accesso obbligatori

Epic ID

Lingue supportate

  • Audio: Inglese

  • Testo: Cinese semplificato, Cinese tradizionale, Spagnolo (America Latina), Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Russo, Spagnolo (Spagna), Giapponese, Coreano

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