Pacchetto di gioco Chess Infinity: L'Isola del Tesoro

Salpa verso l'Isola del Tesoro di Chess Infinity, dove il mondo degli scacchi incontra la bellezza e l'avventura dei Caraibi. Gioca attraverso quattro splendide località assolate, dal ponte di una nave pirata alle spiagge dorate di un'isola appartata.

Pacchetto di gioco Chess Infinity: L'Isola del Tesoro

Sail into Chess Infinity’s Treasure Island, where the world of chess meets the beauty and adventure of the Caribbean.

Play your way through four breath-taking, sun-soaked locations, from the deck of a pirate ship to the golden sands of a secluded beach.

You’ll get to enjoy playing with an exquisitely hand-crafted chess set that transforms before your eyes—from humble carved wood to luxurious gold-leafed ivory. Also included in this game pack are exciting new events in Tour Mode. Face off against 5 new opponents, each bringing their own cunning strategies to the board. Complete targets and unlock items that let you customise your journey even more.

Key Features:

  • Explore 4 stunning Caribbean environments: a pirate ship anchored in a crystal clear cove, golden sands beach, a hidden cliff-face arch, and a truly Caribbean tropical waterfall.

  • Play with a beautifully evolving chess set, transforming from wood to gold-leafed ivory.

  • Challenge 5 new opponents in Tour Mode, plus new events.

  • Unlock new targets and items to personalise your experience.

Get ready to sail into adventure and discover the treasure within your next move.

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Requisiti di sistema di Chess Infinity



Versione SO

Windows 10

Versione SO

Windows 11


2,5 GHz o superiore a 6 core


3,0 GHz a 8 core


16 GB di RAM


32 GB di RAM


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 da 4 GB


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 da 16 GB


DirectX 11


DirectX 12


35 GB di spazio disponibile


35 GB di spazio disponibile

Lingue supportate

  • Audio: N/A

  • Testo: Tedesco, Italiano, Portoghese brasiliano, Spagnolo (America Latina), Francese, Russo, Inglese

Chess Infinity © 2024 Ripstone Ltd. Published and developed by Ripstone Ltd. "Chess Infinity" is a trademark of Ripstone Ltd. All rights reserved.

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