Pacific Drive: Frosted Customization Pack

Decorazioni, una cioccolata calda e qualche amico coccoloso: ecco il necessario per andare in letargo!

Pacific Drive: Frosted Customization Pack

Prepare for the cold and decorate your station wagon with winter themed cosmetics!

Decorations, a little hot cocoa, and cozy friends are all you need to hibernate for the season. Prepare for the cold and decorate your station wagon with winter themed cosmetics!

In this pack you will find:

  • Snowflake (Antenna Topper)

  • Frozen Steering Wheel

  • Snowman (Bobblehead)

  • The Chrome Toboggan (Hood ornament)

  • Snowdrop (Mirror Ornament)

  • Decal Kit: Blizzard

Valutazioni e recensioni di Pacific Drive

PC Gamer

di Christopher Livingston

86 / 100

A novel and challenging survival game that puts you in the driver's seat of one the best cars in videogames.

The Jimquisition

di James Stephanie Sterling

9 / 10

Pacific Drive is one of those amazing games that I’ve fallen in love with despite it doing so much I’m inclined to loathe. It’s brilliant in its externalization of survival gameplay with a car that acts perfectly in its dual role of burden and bearer. Its humor, style, and a luxury assortment of modifier settings have kept me spellbound. I can paint my car pink. Game of the year contender.


di Chris Tapsell

4 / 5

A punishing, exhasperating slog, or an off-beat love story between driver and car, human and the Zone? Pacific Drive is both and then some.

Recensioni fornite da OpenCritic

Requisiti di sistema di Pacific Drive



Versione SO

Windows 10

Versione SO

Windows 10


Intel Core i5 (4 Core)


Intel Core i7 o superiore


16 GB


16 GB


NVIDIA GTX 1060 da 6 GB


NVIDIA RTX 2060 o superiore

Note aggiuntive

Other - minimum: Supports NVIDIA GeForce NOW, recommended: Supports NVIDIA GeForce NOW

Account di accesso obbligatori

Epic ID

Lingue supportate

  • Audio: Inglese

  • Testo: Francese, Tedesco, Inglese, Cinese tradizionale, Cinese semplificato, Coreano, Russo, Giapponese, Spagnolo (Spagna)

Pacific Drive ©2023 Ironwood Studios LLC. All rights reserved. PACIFIC DRIVE, IRONWOOD STUDIOS, the PACIFIC DRIVE logo, and the IRONWOOD STUDIOS logo are the trademarks of Ironwood Studios LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Published by Kepler Interactive Limited

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