Curious Medley Hat Pack

Un curioso mix di quattro cappelli per il gioco Ravenlok!

Curious Medley Hat Pack

Un curioso mix di quattro cappelli per il gioco Ravenlok!

Il Curious Medley Hat Pack include:

  • Chef's Hat

  • Soot Bunny Hat

  • Mushroom Beret

  • Jester's Hat

Valutazioni e recensioni di Ravenlok


di Noah Rigsby

70 / 100

Ravenlok possesses the blueprint for a fantastic series inspired by novels and fairy tales. If Cococucumber expands on the narrative experience and strengthens the combat system in their next outing, wonderful adventures await.


di Andrew Stretch

8.5 / 10

Ravenlok is a cute and short game where you play as a girl who stumbles into a magical world and finds out she's destined to save it. The combat is shallow but functional, and the game's charm is through its interwoven quests and gorgeous environments.


di Andrew Farrell

7.5 / 10

Ravenlok isn't deep or lengthy, but it's a brief, dreamy foray into the wonders of voxels. It may not last long, but it's a looking glass worth going through.

Recensioni fornite da OpenCritic

Requisiti di sistema di Curious Medley Hat Pack



Sistema operativo

Windows 10

Sistema operativo

Windows 10


Intel da 2,0 GHz o superiore


Intel da 3,0 GHz o superiore


4 GB di RAM


8 GB di RAM


4 GB


4 GB


DirectX 11


DirectX 11

Scheda video

NVIDIA GTX serie 900 o equivalente

Scheda video

NVIDIA GTX serie 10 o equivalente

Account di accesso obbligatori

Epic Games

Lingue supportate

  • Audio: inglese, Testo: inglese, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, italiano, giapponese, coreano, polacco, portoghese brasiliano, spagnolo (Spagna), spagnolo (LatAm), ucraino, portoghese, francese, tedesco

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