Return Alive

Grandi battaglie contro i boss
Perfetto per i principianti
Return Alive is a Free-to-Play Top-down Tactical Shooter Game.

Questo è un gioco in accesso anticipato

I giochi ad accesso anticipato sono ancora in fase di sviluppo e potrebbero cambiare in modo significativo nel tempo. Di conseguenza, potresti riscontrare problemi imprevisti o elementi di gioco completamente nuovi durante il gioco.Puoi provare il gioco mentre è in sviluppo o aspettare fino a quando non potremo offrirti un'esperienza di gioco più completa.

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About This Game

As the survivor in a world ravaged by the black fog, the player must compete against other survivors to claim scarce resources, technology, and energy out in the wilderness. Players will be able to face off greater, better players by building their own mastery through battlegrounds where players face multiple enemies or through matches where players team up to compete against other teams.

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Stylish Combat

There is a wide variety of weapons in the arsenal. Players will be able to acquire various weapons through missions and devise their own style to compete against other players. Players can equip up to 2 weapons, allowing them to pick and choose to maximize the synergy between the weapons.

Various Modes

Players can play in battlegrounds, matches, and other various modes. Each mode has a different goal for victory. Players must devise their own strategy to win in each mode. Return Alive currently offers 1 battleground that consists of 3 maps and 2 matches. More modes and maps will be developed in the future.

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Gameplay and Growth

Players can collect various weapons to participate in stylish combat and enhance weapon stats through item acquisition. Players can collect Battlesuit to change their appearances and raise the levels to unlock various functions. Players can also select their own skill effects through growth. Character growth and various equipment, and combinations will motivate players to continue with the gameplay. Matchmaking will allow players to go against other players of similar strata or those that are slightly above in terms of skill level. Press towards higher grounds through character growth and tactical combinations!

Obiettivi disponibili

100 XP
First Mission Complete
40 XP
Failure is the Mother of Success
100 XP
Start of a Legend
100 XP
First Successful Escape
20 XP

Classificazioni per i giocatori di Epic

Catturato dai giocatori nell'ecosistema di Epic Games.


Questo gioco offre

belle battaglie contro i boss

Questo gioco è

perfetto per i principianti

Questo gioco è

perfetto per le sessioni di gioco rapide

Questo gioco offre un

comandi facili da comprendere

Questo gioco è

caldamente consigliato

Questo gioco ha

personaggi fantastici

Requisiti di sistema di Return Alive



OS version

Windows 10 (64Bit)

OS version

Windows 10 (64Bit)


Intel Core i5-4430


Intel Core i5-6600K






NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB


DirectX 11


DirectX 11





Account di accesso obbligatori

Epic ID

Lingue supportate

  • Audio: English, Korean

  • Testo: English, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Spain), Russian

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