Another World

  • Another World-17buo
Another World is a "Ready-Player-One" like open world with multiple NFT community zones and a PVP game zone.

Alpha Tester Program

Join us to explore Another World as Alpha Testers.




本ゲームは、Blockchain、NFT技術、または暗号通貨に対応している、あるいはそれらの使用を含んでいます。すべてのトランザクションと関連する処理、ゲーム内購入の支払い、払い戻し、およびカスタマーサポートは、本製品のパブリッシャーによりすべて管理されています。プレイヤーの方は、暗号通貨やデジタル資産を購入する前に、必ずご自身で調査してください。サードパーティのマーケットプレイスを通じたプレイヤーの購入は自己責任で行われるものであり、Epic Gamesは、いかなる暗号通貨やデジタル資産の購入または販売も奨励していません。

Another World is in Early Access!

This is an Early Access game. It will have significant changes over time.

Explore a Ready-Player-One like open world with web3/web2 friends and find treasures!

In Another World, you will choose an NFT collection to start your journey. There are four NFT community zones - Apecoin swamp, Azuki-inspired garden, CloneX pods, and OnChainMonkey jungle. There is a PVP game zone in the middle of this open world accessible from all community zones.

Important Disclaimer
This game is not affiliated with Yuga Labs, Azuki, RTFKT, or OnChainMonkey NFT collections. The game developer - Another World DAO is a collective of NFT holders of Yuga Labs, Azuki, RTFKT, and OnChainMonkey NFT assets. Derivative 3D arts placed in-game are contributed by holders from these communities.

Blockchain Disclaimer
This game does NOT contain a blockchain wallet. Players can opt-in to verify their ETH addresses in-game using Tokenproof. Players with verified ETH addresses will see their ENS (Ethereum Name Service) used as usernames. They will be eligible to receive on-chain items that are sent directly to their wallets via Optimism.