ATOMIC SHELTERには全年齢に適していないコンテンツが含まれていることがあります。
What is included in Early Access?
There are a total of 12 different communities in the game that are independent of each other. About 1500-1700 usable and craftable items, the building system can happily approve and provide feedback where there are hidden areas to explore.
Explore: Take your story to different points by finding mysterious passages with different natures, Underground and Aboveground atmospheres in the cycle of the seasons.
Build: Build an upgradeable base in the right place and in the right position. Build barricades, traps, encrypted gates, Durable walls that can protect from attacks.
Craft: 1700+ Clothing, Weapons, Armor, Basic items, Chests, Cabinets, Beds, Wells, Bags, Farming, Food Preparation, Traps, Lighting system, Generators, Workbenches, Ornaments, Refrigerators, Ovens with category-specific crafting stalls You can do. .
Trade: You can trade with your friends or merchants in communities. The products and stocks of the sellers will vary according to the regions.
Valuables: Valuables that you can find in Private areas or Private communities can be sold to vendors for much better prices. In Special Items, you can find some important tips.
Interaction: Radio broadcasts available in some regions will provide you with important tips. You can interact with the items in all the structures in the world.
Team: Building with the Team you created can give you an edge in any attack or raid that may occur.
Customization: You can customize your character with valuables, Clothes, Armor, weapons and equipment that you loot from special areas.
Survive: Keep yourself safe with a variety of upgrade items, tools, Camp systems, Health equipment, and diversified food systems.
Agriculture: You can facilitate your development with sustainable agricultural zones, wells, generators, in order to meet or store your needs in your own field.
Battle System: Fight with more than 12 different communities in the world with different purposes, plunder their bases, contribute to the development of the story by reaching important clues.
Passage: Travel to different worlds by finding secret passages with information from radio broadcasts, Communities.
How long will the game be in Early Access?
We hope that the game will remain in early access for approximately 1-1.5 years, based on the feedback we have received.
Will my progress be saved during updates?
Yes, as much as possible, your save files in the game will not be damaged. Unless there is a major structural change or transformation in the game, there will be no risk.
How often will you be updating the game?
We focus on the improvement steps that are within our plans, often and on ideas that will add to the story. Constructive feedback from you is very important to us.