Supporter Pack

Supporter Pack content for Dawn of Defiance. No in-game items, just a way for us to thank you for supporting our development!





Supporter Pack

Description Of Content In The Supporter Pack:

Show your love for the Indie Devs making Dawn of Defiance by purchasing the Supporter Pack! You'll help further development of the game, and as an added benefit you will get some bonus material:

  • Multiple volumes of our concept art - Updated throughout early access

  • The soundtrack to Dawn of Defiance

  • 3D Printable Golem Statue (Note: Must own a 3D printer to use this!)

Important: Buying this DLC grants you no in-game items. This is purely to show support for the development of Dawn of Defiance and the developers. We wanted to give a little something extra for backing us, but we didn't want to give an in-game boost, nor in-game items. To us, that would make it felt like this was a required purchase. We really appreciate your consideration of this pack as it shows your dedication to what we're making. Thank you!!