Forgotten Runiverse

Enter a grand fantasy MMORPG full of magic and wonder based on the Forgotten Runes Wizard’s Cult. The Runiverse is open to anyone – begin your adventure, play, create, own land, and earn your place in the pantheon of legends while owning the things you create.




本ゲームは、Blockchain、NFT技術、または暗号通貨に対応している、あるいはそれらの使用を含んでいます。すべてのトランザクションと関連する処理、ゲーム内購入の支払い、払い戻し、およびカスタマーサポートは、本製品のパブリッシャーによりすべて管理されています。プレイヤーの方は、暗号通貨やデジタル資産を購入する前に、必ずご自身で調査してください。サードパーティのマーケットプレイスを通じたプレイヤーの購入は自己責任で行われるものであり、Epic Gamesは、いかなる暗号通貨やデジタル資産の購入または販売も奨励していません。

Join the Cult

In Forgotten Runiverse, players explore a vast pixel art open world and engage in a variety of activities that rewards them with different Resources that can be used to Enchant, Forge, and Craft. The magic-inclined inhabitants of the world have divided themselves into seven different schools, each defined by a specific color and living within their own city.

Key Features

Mint anything you create
Any item in the game can be minted to the blockchain to be displayed, traded, and shared with the world.

Massive pixel-art world
Explore a vast landscape of over 72,000 sq km with dozens of unique regions and landmarks.

Skill-based combat and minigames
Prove your skill by defeating enemies and leveling up your abilities across hundreds of hours of gameplay

Enchant, Forge, Craft, Create
Each item is unique - defined by the materials, recipe, and skill of the player making it. Hone your skills and produce the greatest items in the Runiverse.

PvP and PvE
Play solo or with friends to explore the Runiverse and discover all the secrets it holds.

Forgotten Runiverseシステム要件



OS version

Windows 7

OS version

Windows 10


Intel Pentium 4 Processor


Intel Core i5






Nvidia GTX 1660


NVIDIA 20-series GeForce RTX


  • 音声: 該当なし

  • テキスト: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America)

© 2023 Magic Machine. Published and developed by Bisonic, Inc™. All rights reserved.