
Pinbot reimagines the timeless breakout style game in an immersive 3D setting. Traditional brick formations now morph into incubators nurturing alien robots, demanding swift destruction! In this robotic realm, every element is mechanized.


Arks, mammoth interstellar vessels, usher hordes of Earth’s inhabitants away from the overpopulated confines of their homeworld, embarking on epic odysseys towards distant extrasolar colonies. These voyages span decades, with the colonists slumbering in cryogenic stasis, tended to by a myriad of machines. A diverse array of robots tirelessly manages everything from crafting essential commodities to constructing prospective settlements and safeguarding the colossal spacecraft.

Contrary to the vast cosmic emptiness previously assumed, the void is teeming with robotic entities that thrive on consuming metallic remnants—relics of vanished extraterrestrial civilizations. However, the arks are fortified with an intricate network of defense mechanisms, among which the most intriguing is the Pinbot. This enigmatic guardian combines curiosity and efficiency, embodying an unparalleled fusion of technology and artificial intelligence.

The game

Pinbot reimagines the timeless breakout game in an immersive 3D setting. Traditional brick formations now morph into incubators nurturing alien robots, demanding swift destruction! In this robotic realm, every element is mechanized—be it the player’s paddle, the antagonizing entities, or the enticing power-ups. Amidst the chaos, a series of relentless machines persist in their tasks, inevitably hindering your progress and adding an extra layer of challenge to your quest for dominance.

Embark on a journey through five distinct levels, each housing a series of rooms. Encounter a total of 53 unique rooms, each presenting its own set of challenges and surprises. To progress from one level to the next, conquer all rooms within that level in a single game. Brace yourself for a dynamic encounter where every aspect pulsates with robotic vitality, amplifying the thrill of the classic breakout concept.





OS version

Windows 10

OS version

Windows 11


Intel Core i5


Intel Core i7


4 GB


8 GB


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti


4 GB


6 GB

Additional input device



  • 音声: English

  • テキスト: English, Italian