City of Gangsters

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추천 게임
  • City of Gangsters-1p1qh
이 관리 타이쿤 게임에서 빈손으로 범죄 조직을 만들고 순탄하게 돈을 찍어내는 사업으로 키우세요! 주류 밀매점과 불법 양조장을 지으세요. 호의를 이용하고, 채무자를 쫓고, 경찰을 매수하여 법망을 피하세요.


In this new management tycoon game you'll start a criminal operation from nothing, and grow it into a well-oiled money machine! Build speakeasies and illegal distilleries. Manage production chains and resource distribution. Set up illicit gambling dens and squeeze your debtors dry. Smuggle goods from out of town and bribe the police to look the other way. Grow a powerful crew and keep your rivals under your thumb. Eliminate competition and rule the city. But most importantly, keep the money flowing.

The year is 1920, the start of Prohibition in the USA. With congressional action, a huge segment of the national economy becomes illegal overnight: bars and saloons are ordered to close, distilleries and breweries go quiet, distributors shut down. But a new era is dawning: a gilded age for smugglers, black markets, illegal manufacture, and organized crime.

This is where you come in. You’re a new arrival in the city at the dawn of Prohibition, with ambitions of striking it big. Behind many of the city’s facades, people are building makeshift distilleries, secret loading docks, nighttime speakeasies. Work your way into this network, and the world will be yours.

But think beyond making a quick buck or two. You gotta be thinking ahead. You gotta be thinking bigger. Much bigger.

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Get started in the booze biz by hocking some homemade hooch. Start your own stills, and find raw materials to supply them. Learn new techniques to make expensive drinks, or smuggle imported booze to fuel your growing operation. Soon you’ll be supplying entire neighborhoods, and opening your own swinging speakeasies.

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On the black market, social currency matters as much as the greenback. With cops and feds sniffing around, trust is everything and personal introductions are worth their weight in gold. So work your connections to find profitable new friends, and get people who owe you favors to put in a good word.

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You will need plenty of hands to open new fronts, do delivery runs, and protect your product from envious rivals. Your outfit’s ambitions are only limited by the number of people working for you. Keep them paid, armed, and organized, and who knows how far and how fast you’ll rise.

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But proceed carefully, because everyone is always observing what you’re doing, and family members stick up for each other. Whether you send your people to harass someone, or to help them, you can be sure they’ll remember it down the line.

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As your outfit grows, convince locals that your goods and theirs will be looked after. Territory under your control will provide a safety net, an income base, and a wealth of opportunities for further growth and expansion.

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You’ve grabbed the opportunity by the horns, and the city is yours for the taking. But you only have a few years to make your mark on history, to build the largest, most profitable crime syndicate, take over your competition, and rule the entire city. Because after 1933, it will be all over, alcohol will be legal again. And doing business fair and square, well, everybody knows that’s not where the real money is.

획득 가능 업적

Corner Opportunities
10 XP
Boxing Them In
10 XP
Cleaning House
10 XP
One of Us
15 XP
2122 North Clark Street
10 XP

City of Gangsters DLC 및 애드온

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City of Gangsters 등급 및 리뷰


작성자: Tony Bae

70 / 100

City of Gangsters demonstrates that the 4x genre works just as well in miniature as it does in grand, sweeping epic spans of history.

Gamers Heroes

작성자: Johnny Hurricane

75 / 100

While City of Gangsters is a solid mafia management sim, the combat holds it back from greatness.


작성자: Cody Peterson

7.5 / 10

City of Gangsters is strategy mafia management game that excels with its character interaction and trading mechanics, and is just as much fun as the giants of the strategy genre.

OpenCritic에서 리뷰 제공

City of Gangsters 시스템 요구 사항



OS version

Windows 10

OS version

Windows 10


Intel i5/i7/i9 또는 AMD Ryzen


Intel i5/i7/i9 또는 AMD Ryzen






NVIDIA GeForce 700 시리즈 이상, AMD Radeon R5/R7/R9 200 시리즈 이상, Intel Iris / HD 5000 이상


NVIDIA GeForce 10 시리즈 이상, AMD RX 시리즈 이상


DirectX 11


1GB의 여유 공간


1GB의 여유 공간

Additional Notes

64비트 프로세서 및 운영체제 필요

지원 언어

  • 오디오: 해당 없음

  • 텍스트: Russian, Spanish (Spain), German, French, Chinese (Simplified), English

Kasedo Games is a division of Kalypso Media Group. Kasedo Games copyright © 2021 Kalypso Media Group All rights reserved. All other logos, copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective owner.

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