Destroy... Absorb... Grow... GRIME is a fast and unforgiving Action-Adventure RPG in which you crush your foes with living weapons that mutate form and function, and then consume their remains with a black hole to strengthen your vessel as you break apart a world of anatomical horror and intrigue.
GRIME lets you play to your preference, upgrading only those traits you feel most suited to your unique style. You’ll find there is more than one way to break open an enemy as you move through a variety of evocative environments, meet their inhabitants, and discover the source of their madness.
• Eye-Popping Surrealism - Uncover mysterious secrets in weeping caves and face-covered deserts. Meet otherworldly characters in distinct civilizations across an organic, interconnected world - all rendered in unearthly 3D. Face foes born of the world itself, and swallow them whole.
• Death-Defying Combat - Punish enemies by parrying their attacks, smash them from the ground or even airborne, and absorb them to grow your strength as you wage war on a living world.
• Living Weapons - Seamlessly swap weapons made of living creatures that mutate form during combat, from clawing swords to centipede whips.
• Unique Skill Progression - Hunt down and absorb challenging monsters to improve your skills.
• Challenge Menacing Bosses -Defeat creatures dozens of times your size. Withstand their assault, and consume them to gain game-changing abilities that affect both combat and traversal.
• Colors of Rot - Discover new abilities, new weapons, and new enemies. Explore Childbed and discover the horrifying mysteries that lie within.
• New Game Plus - Old foes challenge you in new ways. Surpass your limits and upgrade weapons and traits with infinite progression. Find and fight a formidable secret boss.
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에픽게임즈 에코시스템 내 플레이어의 의견입니다.
이 게임의
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이 게임은
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이 게임은
이 게임의
GRIME 등급 및 리뷰
GRIME 시스템 요구 사항
Windows 10
Windows 10
Intel i5 3470 또는 AMD 동급의 제품
Intel i5 3470 또는 AMD 동급의 제품
10GB의 여유 공간
10GB의 여유 공간
버전 10
그래픽 카드
NVIDIA GeForce 960 또는 AMD 동급의 제품
지원 언어
오디오: 영어
텍스트: 스페인어(스페인), 러시아어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 일본어, 한국어, 영어, 중국어(간체), 포르투갈어(브라질), 헤브라이 사람
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