
Metastrike is an FPS multiplayer blockchain project that incorporates many essential and advanced features of a shooting game, with modern gameplay and a significant investment in both visuals and gameplay.


MetaStrike is a first-person game, multiplayer team-playing

이는 Blockchain/NFT 게임입니다

이 게임은 Blockchain, NFT 기술, 또는 암호화폐를 지원하거나 포함합니다. 모든 거래 및 관련 활동, 게임 내 구매를 위한 결제, 환불, 고객 지원은 이 제품의 퍼블리셔가 취급합니다.플레이어님들께 암호화폐나 디지털 자산을 구매하기 전에 조사부터 해보실 것을 권고드립니다. 에픽게임즈가 아닌 플랫폼에서 상품을 구매하실 경우 스스로 위험을 부담해야 하며 에픽게임즈는 그 어떠한 암호화폐나 디지털 자산의 구매나 판매도 장려하지 않습니다.


Metastrike is an FPS multiplayer blockchain project that incorporates many essential and advanced features of a shooting game, with modern gameplay and a significant investment in both visuals and gameplay.

Dive into a game world designed after the success of CSGO and Call of Duty. Players can satisfy their competitive cravings and reach their highest skill levels, just like Smurfs! The game takes inspiration from other FPS predecessors, with maps, items, and guns meticulously designed in a highly balanced form, catering to go-pro players.
In addition, being a blockchain game, players can trade items On-Chain, including a variety of guns that are regularly updated. This feature proves to be extremely beneficial for veteran gamers who engage in item or gun trading, similar to traditional games. However, thanks to blockchain technology, these transactions are completely transparent and stable. Undoubtedly, limited AWM guns will gain immense popularity in the NFT marketplace and will be traded from chain to chain by skilled snipers!

MetaStrike 시스템 요구 사항



OS version

Windows 10 64 Bit

OS version

Windows 10 64 Bit


Intel Core i5-4430


Intel Core i5-4430


8 GB


16 GB


nVIDIA Geforce GTX670


GTX 1050Ti


DirectX 11


DirectX 12


50 G


70 G

로그인 계정 필요

Epic ID

지원 언어

  • 오디오: English

  • 텍스트: English

© 2024, Cgart, Inc.This is a Blockchain/NFT Game This game supports or includes the use of Blockchain, NFT technology, or Cryptocurrency. All transactions and related activity, payments for in-game purchases, refunds, and customer support are handled by the publisher of this product. ©2024 Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, Epic Games Store and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. In the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and elsewhere

개인정보처리방침 (새 탭에서 열림)