Not For Broadcast: Bits of Your Life

Peter Clement is destined to be the new Prime Minister. But who is he, really? Turn television’s most loved chat show into an evening of chaos, tears, revelations and outbursts - all from the safety of the editing desk.

Not For Broadcast: Bits of Your Life

Future Prime Minister Peter Clement has captured the heart of the nation. But just who is he, really?

Welcome to “Bits of Your Life”

Channel One’s favourite talk show is simple: We run heart-to-heart interviews with Peter’s friends and family. We show glimpses of his past as a charismatic TV host. We ask him some easy questions.

But who wants to see the same old scripted fluff? Not you, and certainly not the audience

Take the Reins and Unleash the Chaos

Throw the script out the window, bring out the guests in the completely wrong order, fluster the host to the point of tears and get those ratings skyrocketing!

Meanwhile, you’ll be picking the camera angles, muting those cheeky expletives, dialing in your selected guests from the green room, and seamlessly weaving in ads to keep the show rolling and the audience glued to their seats

Multiple Endings, Secrets and Routes

Use your notepad to track all the changes you make on each run and keep your eyes peeled for clues that reveal secret guest order combinations.

Swapping around the guest lineup will unlock a mind-boggling ten unique endings, each a tantalizing - and often embarrassing - piece in the puzzle of Peter's life.

Not For Broadcast 평가 및 리뷰


작성자: Chris McMullen

8 / 10

Entertaining, funny and thought-provoking in all the right places, Not For Broadcast is a hugely engrossing foray into the nightly news arena. You’ll laugh your face off at times, but like the best satire, it’s also disquieting enough to have you uncomfortably squirming in your seat.

Jump Dash Roll

작성자: Derek Johnson

8 / 10

Not For Broadcast isn't for everyone, but fans of 2013's Papers, Please will not find a better title on the market.

PC Gamer

작성자: Ian Evenden

85 / 100

Deeply silly and all the better for it, the missed political targets really don't matter.

OpenCritic에서 리뷰 제공

Not For Broadcast 시스템 요구 사항



운영체제 버전

Windows 10

운영체제 버전

Windows 10


2.7GHz 이상


i7 ~3GHz / Ryzen 7






4GB VRAM의 전용 비디오 카드가 필요합니다.


GeForce GTX 1060 6GB


DirectX 11





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사운드 카드

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지원 언어

  • 오디오: English, Chinese (Simplified), Russian

  • 텍스트: Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Spanish (Spain), Chinese (Simplified), English

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