Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!

Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!에서 미지의 미행성을 향한 우주 미션에서 선봉에 서고, 기지 간에 자원을 운송하고, 생존하는 것을 초월해 번창하는 거대 식민지를 건설하기 위해 즉흥적으로 다양한 세계를 관리해 보세요.

Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!

About Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!

The Duplicants are back, and this time they’re ready to rocket into space to rebuild their colonies on a whole host of strange new planetoids!

In Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! you'll spearhead space missions to new and undiscovered Planetoids, transport resources between bases, and manage multiple worlds on the fly to build a megacolony that not only survives, but hopefully, thrives.

New Multi-World Gameplay

Put your colony management skills to the test by juggling the needs of Duplicants in multiple colonies simultaneously. Switch between planets in real time and secure rare resources on other worlds to supply your home base.

Expanded Rocketry

Customize new modular rockets to your liking, then explore the expanse of space with the newly overhauled Starmap. Huge expansions to the Research Tree provide new mid-game Rocketry options, giving your Duplicants an edge in the asteroid space-race.

Radiation and Nuclear

Power up nuclear machines with naturally occurring radioactive elements, harness ambient radiation as an energy source and navigate irradiated biomes - just make sure your Duplicants put their lead suits on first.

New Critters, Resources, Biomes, Tech and More:

Get acquainted with some new fuzzy friends - if you're nice, they might help you out around the colony!

There's also tons of new biomes to explore, tech to research, and resources to mine. There's a whole new universe out there - discover it all in Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out!

Oxygen Not Included 시스템 요구 사항



운영체제 버전

Windows 7(64비트) 이상

운영체제 버전

Windows 7(64비트) 이상


Dual Core 2GHz


Dual Core 2GHz






Intel HD 4600(동급의 AMD 또는 NVIDIA 제품)


Intel HD 4600(동급의 AMD 또는 NVIDIA 제품)


버전 11


버전 11


2GB의 여유 공간


2GB의 여유 공간

추가 사항

기타 사항 - minimum: 64비트 프로세서 및 운영체제 필요, recommended: 64비트 프로세서 및 운영체제 필요

지원 언어

  • 오디오: 러시아어, 중국어(간체), 영어, 한국어

  • 텍스트: 영어, 한국어, 러시아어, 중국어(간체), 중국어(번체)

© All Rights Reserved Klei Entertainment 2020

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