
  • Somerville-1hhpv
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Jumpship은 Playdead의 전 CEO이자 공동 설립자인 Dino Patti와 협력하여 Chris Olsen이 만든 오리지널 IP를 기반으로 설립된 인디게임 스튜디오입니다. 저희는 모두를 존중하고 대화형 미디어의 정의를 확장하는 데 도움이 되는 독특한 경험을 제공하는 데 주력하고 있습니다.

    • Somerville-qkjgk
    • Somerville-6oz0s
    • Somerville-1fqr8
    • Somerville-l4h2x
    • Somerville-1b9l1

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에픽 플레이어 평가

에픽게임즈 에코시스템 내 플레이어의 의견입니다.


Somerville 평가 및 리뷰


작성자: Jade King

Somerville is one of the year’s biggest surprises, and I’m still shocked to see it fly under the radar. Its portrayal of an alien invasion raging across the British countryside hit close to home, while the story of a father searching for his family and being tied up in a dilemma so much bigger than he ever imagined is both nothing like I expected and everything I wanted. I can’t wait to see players far smarter than I piece its most devious puzzles together, since there are still so many questions waiting to be answered.


작성자: Ryan McCaffrey

7 / 10

Somerville has ties to modern legends Limbo and Inside, but it’s equally reminiscent of another Hall of Famer: Out of This World. The end result is a unique physics-based puzzle adventure that isn’t quite on the level of the games that inspired it, but is nevertheless an extraterrestrial nightmare worth exploring.


작성자: Robert Zak

6.7 / 10

It was a bold move for the devs to try and move this traditionally 2D style of game into this hybrid 3D space, but I can’t help but feel that Jumpship would have been better off leaving it in 2D, because that extra dimension ends up just weighing the game down. It’s weirdly apt that right at the end of the game, when I’d got two different endings but was trying to unlock what I’d imagine was the ‘good’ ending, I experienced a massive bug that for a moment seemed like a creative decision, as I fell through the world, was reunited with my family on a grey platform in some empty void, then jumped off again to go into an infinite fall. In the end, Somerville’s admirable artistic vision and technical issues merged into one, poignantly showing that these two aspects of a game can’t ultimately be separated.

OpenCritic에서 리뷰 제공

Somerville 시스템 요구 사항



운영체제 버전

Windows 8 (64-bit OS required)

운영체제 버전

Windows 10 (64-bit OS required)


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz, AMD FX 8120 @ 3.1 GHz


Intel i7 920 @ 2.7 GHz, AMD Phenom II 945 @ 3.0 GHz






NVIDIA GT 630 / 650m, AMD Radeon HD6570 or equivalent


NVIDIA GTX 660, Radeon R9-270


DirectX 11

추가 입력 장치


지원 언어

  • 오디오: 해당 없음

  • 텍스트: 포르투갈어, 폴란드어, 중국어(번체), 중국어(간체), 스페인어(스페인), 일본어, 한국어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 영어, 독일어

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