
다양한 캐릭터 커스터마이징 옵션
초보자에게 적합
Etherscape is a multiplayer online rogue-lite action RPG with an on-chain backend that allows users to own and trade their items as NFTs.

얼리 액세스 게임입니다

얼리 액세스 게임은 현재 개발 중인 게임으로 개발 중간에 많은 것이 변경될 수 있습니다. 얼리 액세스 게임을 플레이할 때 전혀 예측하지 못한 이슈가 발생하거나 완전히 새로운 게임플레이 요소를 경험할 수 있습니다.현재 개발 중인 게임을 바로 플레이하거나 더 완전한 게임 경험을 제공할 때까지 기다릴 수 있습니다.

이는 Blockchain/NFT 게임입니다

이 게임은 Blockchain, NFT 기술, 또는 암호화폐를 지원하거나 포함합니다. 모든 거래 및 관련 활동, 게임 내 구매를 위한 결제, 환불, 고객 지원은 이 제품의 퍼블리셔가 취급합니다.플레이어님들께 암호화폐나 디지털 자산을 구매하기 전에 조사부터 해보실 것을 권고드립니다. 에픽게임즈가 아닌 플랫폼에서 상품을 구매하실 경우 스스로 위험을 부담해야 하며 에픽게임즈는 그 어떠한 암호화폐나 디지털 자산의 구매나 판매도 장려하지 않습니다.

Welcome Etherborn

Welcome to Etherscape, a realm where the boundaries between life and death blur, and the eternal struggle for survival takes on a new meaning. As an Etherborn, you possess an eternal soul that defies the finality of death, resurrecting you to face the challenges anew. In this multiplayer fantasy action RPG, every death is a lesson, and every resurrection is a chance to rise stronger.

Prepare to embark on an epic adventure where your actions echo through eternity. Welcome to Etherscape – where death is but a doorway, and your legacy is immortal.

The Etherscape-ujj2k

Play to Own

In Etherscape, your journey is not just about survival but also about thriving in a dynamic, player-driven economy. Integrated with the Enjin Blockchain, your hard-earned loot can be minted into NFTs, giving you true ownership of your treasures. Trade and sell your items on the marketplace, and watch your wealth grow as you conquer the game’s many trials.

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Randomized Loot

Adventure through the world and scour the depths of dungeons to find the ultimate gear. Loot is randomized so that you never know what you will find. Items have the potential to completely change the way you play and offer a huge variety of viable builds.

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Death Matters

Death is permanent in Etherscape. When your character dies any items that are not Etherbound will be lost, and you will have to start over. You must think hard before you take your best items into a difficult area. However, the harder the area the greater the rewards.

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On-chain Governance

Earn ENJ coins as you delve into the depths of seasonal content, unlocking exclusive rewards that set you apart from other adventurers. Your influence extends beyond the battlefield, as the Imperial Sovereign governance token empowers you to shape the future of Etherscape. Vote on new content and game changes, ensuring that your voice is heard in the ever-evolving world.

The Etherscape-z25kh


  • Shared world multiplayer with seamless co-op

  • Randomized loot drops to customize your build

  • High intensity rogue-like action gameplay

  • Competitive Arena for weekly rewards

  • Earn ENJ coin on Enjin Blockchain

  • Mint loot on-chain into NFT tokens

  • Buy / Sell / Trade on-chain items on

  • Game governance for future features

  • Seasonal content with unique limited rewards


에픽 플레이어 평가

에픽게임즈 에코시스템 내 플레이어의 의견입니다.


이 게임의

캐릭터 커스터마이징 옵션은 다양합니다

이 게임은

초보자에게 적합합니다

이 게임은

짧은 세션에 적합합니다

이 게임에는

캐릭터가 다양합니다

Etherscape 시스템 요구 사항



OS version

Windows 7

OS version

Windows 10 or 11


2 GHz


2 GHz






1280x720 Minimum Resolution




500 MB


500 MB

지원 언어

  • 오디오: English

  • 텍스트: English

Copyright (C) 2023 The Etherscape

개인정보처리방침 (새 탭에서 열림)