Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: Italy

Lead the striking Italian Armed Forces to victory in Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: Italy. With an equally rich military history and armament industry, over 100 Italian units wait to be commanded, from the A-129 Mangusta to the C1 Ariete tank and Alpini mountain infantry.

Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: Italy

Lead the striking Italian Armed Forces to victory in the new Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: Italy. The unique and varied Forze Armate Italiane will be represented in full in this comprehensive Nation Pack expansion of Eugen Systems' ever-popular real-time strategy title.

The linchpin in any NATO-led Mediterranean operation, the capable Italian Armed Forces enjoys a long and proud military lineage, from its elite Alpine troops to its fast-moving armored units. So, too, the Italian automotive and armament industries, having produced iconic and noteworthy vehicles during the Cold War and beyond. Among others, these include the AR.76 Campagnola army jeep, the wheeled B1 Centauro, the C1 Ariete main battle tank, the hard-hitting A-129 Mangusta attack helicopter, and the Aermacchi MB-339 light strike aircraft.

The Italian Armed Forces are playable as a stand-alone NATO nation in Wargame: Red Dragon, bringing to the battlefield their unique mix of domestic and foreign material, be it old or new. Fully voiced and featuring 104 new Italian units, 19 new models, and a score of new variants, Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: Italy boasts one of the most visually up-to-date arsenals of Wargame: Red Dragon.

  • Command 104 new Italian units, with 19 new models, including numerous new variants of existing units, all expertly recreated and fully voiced.

  • Esercito Italiano ground forces count on such illustrious vehicles as the AR.76 Campagnola jeep, VCC-1 Camilino APC, the export-produced OF-40 main battle tank with its famous Otomatic SPAAG variant, and the FIROS series of truck-mounted MRLS. It doesn’t stop there: a great variety of Fiat 6602 trucks, Fiat 6614 and 6616 APCs can be fielded, as well as SIDAM 25 SPAAG and SPADA SAM, plus late prototype B1 Centauro wheeled tank and recon variants, and the domestic C1 Ariete main battle tank.

  • The Aeronautica Militare includes domestic aircraft designs such as the G.91 Gina, Aermacchi MB-339, and Ghibli close air support planes, plus locally upgraded F-104S fighters, as well as several variants of the Panavia Tornado and AV-8B Harrier.

  • Flying nap of the earth are the Italian helicopters, with the A-109 in recon and anti-tank roles and several versions of domestically modified Huey and Twin Huey helicopters. The A-129 Mangusta stars as a potent anti-aircraft and anti-tank attack helicopter.

  • Boots on the ground are composed of Fantaria di Linea regular riflemen, backed up by Alpini mountain infantry, Paracadutisti paratroopers, Bersaglieri, second-line Riservisti, and Guastatori. Naval troops include Maro and Lagunari, as well as COMSUBIN and Col Moshin special forces and commandos.

  • Italian small arms featured encompass everything from World War 2 relics to modern weaponry, from the MAB 38/49 SMGs (Beretta M38), BM-59 rifles (Garand) and MG-42/59 LMGs, to AR-70 and AR-70/90 assault rifles. Other infantry weapons include a mix of M20A1 Super Bazooka, RL-100 Blindice, LAW and APILAS anti-tank weapons. The Italians also rely heavily on recoilless rifles, including the M18 and domestic Folgore.

Wargame: Red Dragon 시스템 요구 사항



운영체제 버전

Windows XP SP3

운영체제 버전

Windows 7














256MB 100% DIRECTX 9 및 셰이더 3.0 호환 ATI RADEON X1800 GTO/NVIDIA GEFORCE 7600 GT/INTEL HD 3000 이상


256MB 100% DIRECTX 9 및 셰이더 3.0 호환 ATI RADEON X1800 GTO/NVIDIA GEFORCE 7600 GT/INTEL HD 3000 이상

지원 언어

  • 오디오: 영어

  • 텍스트: 우크라이나어, 러시아어, 스페인어(스페인), 일본어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 프랑스어, 아랍어, 영어, 중국어(번체), 한국어

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