Way of the Hunter - Bear Archery Pack

Way of the Hunter는 Bear Archery와 손잡고 활과 석궁 아이템을 추가했습니다. 또한 최초로 전통 활 아이템을 선보입니다.

Way of the Hunter - Bear Archery Pack

We have partnered with legendary manufacturer Bear Archery to bring you more variety with all archery gameplay.

The mission of Bear Archery is the same today as it was when Fred Bear started this company in 1933, to give people access to the sport of archery by building quality archery products at affordable prices. They continue to design products from youth to adult and from compound to traditional, ensuring their customers have the best possible selection to support the hobby they love.

Compound Bow: Alaskan XT RTH

Named after the last frontier and built to endure anything - the new Alaskan XT. Meticulously designed and packed with unprecedented features in its price category, compromise is out of the question. Powered by the ultra-efficient DHC-XR cam system, this bow is capable of speeds up to 335fps while still providing an easy to shoot 80% let-off.

Crossbow: Constrictor Pro

The Constrictor Pro, a proven performer, redesigned for even more power on an extremely compact frame. The Constrictor Pro measures a mere 8.125” wide cocked and roughly 12” wide uncocked, making it perfect while hunting in tight quarters.

Traditional Bow: Fred Bear Take Down

First introduced by Fred Bear more than 50 years ago, the Bear Take Down was a modern and innovative design that revolutionized the archery industry. In Way of the Hunter available as A length riser, this iconic bow features the signature 1969 heal horn style grip to allow for a deep feel and consistent grip.

Bow sight: Trophy Ridge Attack Pro

Crossbow Scope: Bear X Speed

With the Bear X Speed Crossbow Scope you will clearly see your target with multi-coated, ultra-clear glass and 1-5 x 24 x 30mm magnification.

Way of the Hunter 등급 및 리뷰

Gaming Nexus

작성자: Eric Hauter

7 / 10

Crushingly difficult. Glacially paced. Graphically challenged. And yet there is something hypnotic and impressive about the scope of Way of the Hunter and it's devotion to maintaining a realistic hunting experience, for better or for worse. Go into this one expecting realism - and I mean real-life, semi-boring realism - and you will be in the right frame of mind.


작성자: Bill Lavoy

6 / 10

Way of the Hunter is a game that I should love, and despite the plethora of problems, there are fantastic ideas here and a world that could be incredible if it’s given a lot more attention from Nine Rocks Games. However, it’s not there yet. It’s not even close to where it needs to be, and I’m not talking about the amount of content on offer. There is more than enough game to play here. What holds Way of the Hunter back is that most of it doesn’t feel fully realized or polished. Performance is an issue, bugs are an issue, accessibility is an issue and, in many cases, the quality of the game’s systems are an issue. While I suspect things will improve over time, Way of the Hunter is a long way from where my expectations lie.

OpenCritic에서 리뷰 제공

Way of the Hunter 시스템 요구 사항



운영체제 버전

64비트 운영체제 - Windows 10

운영체제 버전

64비트 운영체제 - Windows 10


Intel Core i5-3170K


Intel i7 쿼드 코어














GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon R9 380


NVidia GTX 2070 Super 8GB VRAM

추가 사항

기타 - minimum: 예상되는 초기 시스템 요건이며 변경될 수 있습니다.

지원 언어

  • 오디오: 영어

  • 텍스트: 터키어, 러시아어, 체코어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 영어, 아랍어, 중국어(간체), 이탈리아어, 스페인어(스페인), 폴란드어, 중국어(번체), 일본어

Way of the Hunter © 2022 THQ Nordic AB, Sweden. Developed by Nine Rocks Games, published by THQ Nordic GmbH, Austria. All other brands, product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

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