Backrooms Furry

Find a way out and don't let them catch you!


One day you opened the door of your apartment and instead of the usual dirty entrance you found a labyrinth consisting of strange corridors and rooms covered with old yellow wallpaper. It seems that you fell out of your reality and ended up in the otherworldly and mysterious world of Backrooms. Such incidents sometimes happen and now it happened to you. From now on you have only one task - to survive and find a way out!


In terms of gameplay, this game is a classic indie first-person horror. In the menu, you can choose one of several available levels. At each level, you have only one goal - to find a way out. You do not have any weapons, you are always defenseless against the inhabitants of the Backrooms and if you meet them, running away is the only way to save yourself.


The creatures that inhabit this place are not at all like the usual inhabitants of the Backrooms. The creatures that inhabit this world may seem cute and even attractive to you, but in fact they are very dangerous... And if you meet them, it is better to just run!


Explore corridors and rooms of the most incredible shapes and sizes. You will be able to visit 5 levels of Backrooms, including: The Lobby, Fun, Sublimity and Level RUN! Remember, each level of the Backrooms is dangerous in its own way and you will constantly have to adapt to new conditions.


Realistic graphics and sounds create the atmosphere of original videos with travels through the Backrooms.

    • Backrooms Furry-m3ip4
    • Backrooms Furry-12gp2
    • Backrooms Furry-1r327
    • Backrooms Furry-1r4i9
    • Backrooms Furry-2y07d

Wymagania systemowe Backrooms Furry

Wymagania minimalne


OS version


OS version



Intel Core i5 2.6GHz or similar


Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz or similar


8 GB


16 GB


GeForce GTX 960 or similar


GeForce GTX 1660 or similar


2 GB


2 GB

Wersje językowe

  • Dźwięk: Nie dotyczy

  • Napisy: English

© Pine Games