What types of in-game purchases are available in this game?

Book of Yog offers in-game currency called Coupons, available for purchase in the in-game store. You can use Coupons to buy a wide range of items.

Examples of in-app purchases using Coupons:

Various amounts of Sanguine Stones and Diamonds
Monthly, SP Monthly, and Lifetime Cards
Daily, Weekly, and Limited-Time Boxes
A selection of Black Guard Skins
And more!

Can I play the game without making any in-game purchases?

Book of Yog does not require players to purchase any content to continue playing. All purchases are optional.

Does the game use Epic Games' payment platform, or does it use your own payment system for in-game purchases?

When playing Book of Yog through the Epic Games Store, all in-game purchases are processed via Epic Games’ payment platform. The in-game store redirects users to the platform’s storefront to complete transactions. On other platforms, alternative payment systems may be used.

Are in-app purchases refundable?

In-app purchases made on the Epic Games payment platform are NOT refundable. For any questions, please contact: [email protected]

How long will the game be in Early Access?

The early access version will last for at least a year. Before the official release, we have some ideas about the direction and future content of the game. However, we take player feedback seriously and this will undoubtedly affect the development process.

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“Book of Yog” will be continuously optimized according to the player's ideas, and the player's suggestions will directly determine the content that will be added in the future.
Currently, confirmed new content and features in the official version:
More monsters and dungeons,
More heroes,
More loot,
More maps,
More mission systems,
Additional features, and enhanced gaming performance.

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

Book of Yog is a free game which includes some in-game transactions contents. Thank you for your understanding and support.

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

We're very keen to hear from you, you are welcome to join our official Discord channel to communicate with us directly, get the latest news about the game and let us know about any of your suggestions.
Discord: https://discord.gg/CWqhwjVbSk (Otwiera się w nowej zakładce)