What is the current state of the Early Access version?

The tool is ready to be used in it's full extent. More features will be added at a later date. The reason we're putting it in Early Access now is to gather feedback from the community and to be able to fix and address some bugs that we might have.

EVOLVE is the first product that we're launching, so we don't expected it to be rock solid straight out of the door, however, we're doing our best to make sure that it is!

One of the features that didn't make the ship date for example is our Photo Mode that's still under development and will hopefully be a great addition to the benchmark. Additional things we're planning for later are Vulkan support, and potentially we'll launch on more platforms as well. (Pending overall demand and difficulty to support).

How will we involve the community?

We have been running tests and collecting feedback from a small group of users. We would love to hear your feedback on our forums, Discord or on social media.

One of the areas we're looking at for getting feedback is how well this product functions and works for the hardcore overclocking and benchmarking community. This is an audience we value a lot and one we're trying to be helpful for. We obviously can't make it such that we accommodate everyone, and build everybody's favorite feature (might not technically be feasible, might not be aligned with other goals we have, etc) however, we do listen and welcome all feedback!

Why Early Access?

Our upcoming benchmark tool 'Evolve', will be available in Early Access to allow users to experience its features while we continue to fine-tune and enhance its performance.

How long will this Early Access phase take?

This Early Access period will approximately take 2 months. However, this timeframe may be extended depending on the progress of the development.

Which GPUs does Evolve require?

Evolve requires a GPU capable of hardware ray tracing such as an Nvidia 2080, or an AMD 6800.