Why Early Access?
Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond is a complex game and given its scope, we want to use the Early Access period to involve the community and receive player feedback that will help us shape the upcoming stages of development, and help us make the very best game we can.
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
We are planning to have Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond completed and ready for full launch in the first half of 2025. But since we want the game to be perfect (or as close to perfect as we can possibly get) before leaving Early Access, there is a possibility that we will need to prolong the Early Access period and postpone the full version release beyond that time frame.
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
We plan to add a number of new features and mechanics – possibility to use weapons of mass destruction, implementing martial law, influence of pollution on the environment, different winning objectives for campaigns and much more - even overall different campaign scenarios and recreating historical countries. We are also planning to add more textual localizations to the game at full launch, including French, German, Spanish, Polish, Simplified Chinese and Russian. Of course, due to the nature of Early Access, our plans can change based on community feedback.
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
The Early Access version offers three game modes on the map of the Earth and the solar system, with the option to lead any of the 195 countries existing in the game, starting in 2010. Realism mode ties the player to a world which runs very similarly to ours, with pacts dividing the world between several blocs (NATO, EU, etc.). Overdrive mode offers a freedom of experience with all stats cranked up to extreme. With old order being just a flimsy excuse for an all-out brawl between the strongest. Finally, the Sandbox mode lets the player build up from the start and make any country your politician leads a success - and boy, is it a long and hard journey to the top.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
Yes, we are planning to increase the price once, when we are close to the full release of the game. We will inform everyone about any pricing changes in advance, so that they are able to plan ahead.
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
We have been using our Discord server to gather player feedback, and will continue using these channels throughout Early Access of Realpolitiks 3: Earth and Beyond. We hope everyone who gives our game a chance during this period will share their impressions, be they positive or negative. And we encourage everyone to especially post any suggestions to improve the game and report any bugs they might encounter while playing.