Anna's Quest
39 Conquistas
1000 EXP
A very special drink
Not the kind of cocktail he expected
15 EXP23% dos jogadores desbloquearamBack to the anvil
You have reached your destination
15 EXP25% dos jogadores desbloquearamBahahahaha...
Every game needs a goat
40 EXP12% dos jogadores desbloquearamBeekeeper
No bees were harmed in the making of this game
15 EXP20% dos jogadores desbloquearamBook Worm
Intelligence +1
15 EXP43% dos jogadores desbloquearamCameodalic
I think I know them from somewhere...
15 EXP15% dos jogadores desbloquearamClever reference #451
The idea was good. But Anna's arms were too short
35 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamClose the deal
Outplayed the Devil
35 EXP11% dos jogadores desbloquearamEscape artist
What?! I ain't finished yet?!
15 EXP77% dos jogadores desbloquearamFar away from home
Wrong game, mister!
40 EXP27% dos jogadores desbloquearamFussy eater
“No I will not eat my soup”
20 EXP31% dos jogadores desbloquearamGG
Not even the swan is real
15 EXP25% dos jogadores desbloquearamGame Over!
Players free to leave game now.
15 EXP25% dos jogadores desbloquearamGuilty conscience
Not the voices again!
35 EXP9% dos jogadores desbloquearamHoney, honey, honey…
Winnie would be proud!
15 EXP26% dos jogadores desbloquearamKekekeke...
She probably couldn't read anyways...
15 EXP28% dos jogadores desbloquearamKill it! KILL IT!
Not exactly Mozart
35 EXP15% dos jogadores desbloquearamLittle genius
He seems pretty clever
15 EXP19% dos jogadores desbloquearamMakeover
Ugly, but less creepy
60 EXP12% dos jogadores desbloquearamMemories
The beginning is the end
55 EXP19% dos jogadores desbloquearamMischief maker
Do not play with sharp objects!
35 EXP21% dos jogadores desbloquearamMy lost nightingale
Love, what a wonderful thing
15 EXP30% dos jogadores desbloquearamMystery solved
Even better than Mozart
15 EXP21% dos jogadores desbloquearamNOW GO AWAY!
He thought she was looking for someone else
15 EXP22% dos jogadores desbloquearamNo posters allowed
This isn't very realistic
20 EXP26% dos jogadores desbloquearamOoh, it's shiny!
So cute!
35 EXP40% dos jogadores desbloquearamPain in the hands
Fool me once...
20 EXP18% dos jogadores desbloquearamPosterboy!
Gotta catch them all
55 EXP4% dos jogadores desbloquearamRing-a-ding-ding
Kids can be REALLY annoying sometimes...
40 EXP18% dos jogadores desbloquearamRoostwig has entered the building
Something better than death we can find anywhere
15 EXP23% dos jogadores desbloquearamShattered
So that's what he was hiding
15 EXP22% dos jogadores desbloquearamShow me your true self
What big teeth you have...
15 EXP20% dos jogadores desbloquearamSingstar
“I sound pretty good”
15 EXP16% dos jogadores desbloquearamSo soothing...
You have no power over me!
15 EXP21% dos jogadores desbloquearamSorry Grandpa
Back to square one…
35 EXP24% dos jogadores desbloquearamThrough the woods
Let the quest continue!
15 EXP28% dos jogadores desbloquearamTurn the last page
...and they lived happily ever after?
55 EXP18% dos jogadores desbloquearamWhat a mess
And where's the mustard?
35 EXP6% dos jogadores desbloquearamYou've got mail!
They grow up so fast...
15 EXP22% dos jogadores desbloquearam